Chapter 38: Nervousness

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Latoya's P.O.V:


These guys were definitely.....something, okay I haven't come up with a name to describe them accurately but they were somehow 'special' that's for sure.

They were wacky, funny and even dramatic at some point too! but what really caught my eye was one thing_and it wasn't the fact that they were all super gorgeous_it was that they all had a strong bond even tho some would deny it.

At first I was too nervous to meet his friends, I kept thinking that they wouldn't like me and try to influence him to steer clear of me, I didn't know why I thought that but I just did. Fortunately they seemed pretty friendly, everybody was exceptionally nice to me and didn't make me feel left out if anything they mostly talked to/about me!

"Oh God I feel like shit" groaned Donia, in my opinion it was a long way progress

"And you look like shit too" teased Kazem, a second later after he said it he shouted in a pained "OW!" someone had clearly kicked him in the foot.

"What?! I'm just stating the obvious" he objected addressing his sister.

"Don't look at me, I didn't do nothin'" she said shrugging. Next to her, her boyfriend_Said, if I recall correctly_smirked as if were hiding something.

"Well it's been already two hours since you last had some vanity time so I reckon that you want to go to the loo again, don't you?" asked her friend Sara annoyed, she's got some pretty badass style that girl.

"Oh you know me all so well" replied Donia rolling her eyes at her friend.

"Quite honestly I feel like going with you this time, I don't trust that you might make it back without having another crisis or break down" said her friend Sara sarcastically, the guys seemed for some reason not to like the idea but said nothing

"If you're coming then you're gonna help me with my makeup" said Donia to her friend, Sara's eyes widened in horror then quickly turned on to me

"Latoya! care to join us?" she addressed me, shit I was afraid of this to come.

"Um why need me?" I asked unsure and slightly scared

"Cause I am not gonna help/complement or have any sort of conversation about 'makeup' with her but I really need to go" insisted Sara begging me.

"Oh okay then" I nodded slowly, Ahmed seemed uneasy about me going with the girls and that what made me even more agitated.

We got up and headed to the bathroom with dread, my brain thought here it goes, the 'you're not good enough for my brother'lecture I was expecting that long time ago since that little 'convo' they had before going in the simulator.

"Would you please chill?" asked Sara addressing me, I was too shocked to speak so I just stared back at her speechless,

"Relax, I'm not the 'stay away from my brother' type of sister, I can see you worrying about that. Don't, just don't." said Sara laughing lightly, holly crap was that too obvious? Anyways, I breathed out laughing nervously.

"Why'd you think that? I don't mean that I don't care about your opinion, I do I really do! but-" she cut me off just then, damnit I'm loosing my chill!

"See? that's exactly what I'm talking about!" she pointed out joking with me

"If anything, she's the one to be nervous not you. If she blew this off Ahmed's gonna freaking disown her!" laughed Donia as she adjusted her mascara

"I think Ahmed's gonna disown me anyways since we've practically told his crush that she IS his crush and that he likes her" Sara addressed Donia, WAIT WHAT? I was wide-eyed and felt like someone just punched the air out of my lunges, oh holly crap!

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