Chapter 37: Group Date

Start from the beginning

Sara looked at her then back up at Said who was red as a fresh newly picked tomato and she didn't bother to hold back her laughter

"Whatcha laughing at? you're not in a very much better situation" said Donia smirking at her friend looking back and forth between her and my friend BMd

"I have better horror tolarence than most girls, you just worry about yourself" came back Sara disappointing her friend, BMd raised his hand awkwardly

"Um I think you should worry, I don't cope with horror much better either" said my friend sheepishly addressing his captive and future girlfriend who gaped at him in disbelief, he just shrugged still blushing,

"Uhh Sara, I don't think BMd and Donia are the only ones to might have the same problem...." trailed off Adil nodding towards Ahmed who was coming our direction with Latoya....shit.

Sara groaned in frustration as she banged her head on BMd's shoulder multiple of times before snapping back out. Latoya looked more than cheerful

"Hey Lat, I'm sorry but I gotta borrow my brother for a sec" Sara said grabbing Ahmed by the elbow and dragged him away before she responded

I could see that they were having a serious argument with furious whispering and foot-stepping and flying hands_mostly came from Ahmed_Latoya looked somewhat worried and concerned so I wrecked my brain for an excuse

"Um uh don't worry about that, Sara just got a call from their mother it's just some family business" I explained, she just nodded but I could see that she didn't look less worried and concerned after the explanation.

"So how did you two meet?" Latoya asked BMd trying to make a small talk

"Oh you mean Sara and I?" he stuttered as he tried to come up with anything "I'm Ahmed's neighbor and she came to visit, I was practically living with Ahmed and refused to get out and go home most of the time" said BMd laughing nervously, actually that was a good story!

"Aww that's so sweet!" squeaked Latoya out of the cuteness of the story, as if on cue Ahmed and Sara came back the boy looking a little nervous

"C'mone gentlemen, shall we?" he said indicating for us to take a seat.

Everybody sat in pairs, it looked like we were on a group date just that I didn't have any date. I eyed everyone and turned to my friend Adil

"Howdy partner!" I waved at Adil smiling cheekily, looks like we're gonna be teamed up together for this ride. He looked horrified and groaned

"Oh no!" he fake-sobbed, I clapped him on the back still amused

"Looks like it's gonna be me and you homie" I gave up a chuckle

"Okay listen, it doesn't mean that Ahmed's not single anymore that you're gonna move on to me now, no I don't do that brotp shit" he said swatting my arm away half jokingly, his tough attitude amused me cause I knew that even tho he's so brave and shit he was gonna drop the act as soon as the ride starts. I had a feeling that I should be thankful that the place was deserted from humans.

We tucked our seat belts and wore our 3D glasses as the horror started:

First it was a beautiful sunny day in the meadow then night fell five seconds later, a zombie burst out of nowhere and started chasing me and I was running for my life_I don't know how but the movie was in first person's POV_ and I could feel every thing happening around me in the movie. We next rode into a jeep and started driving like crazy, the seats rose and fell with the film simulating the scenes on the screen making us jump with every bump in the unrealistic road. By now a lot of zombies were at our tails as we ran for our lives but every a sec or so one bumped in front of the car and we ran him over, every time we run a zombie over I felt someone/thing grab at my foot so my blood froze and my body reacted for me. With a not-so-manly scream I threw myself at Adil next to me for cover from the flying zombies and surprisingly he didn't throw me off away from him or act annoyed, he held on to me even tighter and buried his face into my shoulder, quite honestly I didn't know how to act. I felt like I wanted to laugh my ass off but again that thought was interrupted as a thick wooden stick drove through the imaginary car's windshield thus it looked like it's almost took my eye off. I can't do this anymore, I need to get out NOW! but unfortunately it was impossible so I searched for an alternative solution which was: to look away.

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