St. Johnathan

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You grumbled as you stepped out the black shiny limo. You sent a quick smile to the driver and a small wave before looking up at the school. Your eyes widened at the architecture, it was absolutely gorgeous. The School had various windows and and buildings making it look like a resort! Excluding the beach. A tap on your shoulder directed your attention away from the building.

"I didn't drive you here just to look at the building" he raised his eyebrow. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. You sent a quick apology towards him before advancing towards the large school building timidly. Turning towards a clearing between a few school buildings. You furrowed your eyebrows pulling out your map, of course you wouldn't know where anything was! This place was huge!You came to the conclusion, maybe because you had no class for today you should hit the swimming pool.

You sighed and looked around hopelessly looking for a sign or something! Eventually you found yourself in a small woodland. You sighed irritated. Doing a small twirl looking up at the sky hoping as if god could give you a bright red arrow pointing towards your destination.

Suddenly you could hear a melodious tune coming from not-so-faraway. Curiosity filled your veins as you followed the sound. You continued to look around before spotting a figure. The figure looked to be a male. He was dressed in a white blazer. He had a dark purple scarf around his neck. His purple hair was put up in a pony tail which didn't help with the length. Even with the pony tail it ended at his lower back.

You cocked your head to the side your (h/l) (h/c) hair following the direction of your head. You continued to step closer to mysterious male. Smiling at the tune that was playing. However that was short lived until the bow on his violin came to an abrupt stop. Turning around in confusion you met his violet orbs (FACE MELONS). He stared at you expecting an explanation.

Your eyes widened surprised. You smiled awkwardly.

"Heh... Um do you..know where the swimming pool is?" You asked.

He didn't say a word however he just pointed the bow of his violin to the direction of the pool. You bowed respectfully, about to turn around. your eyes widened slightly remembering something. you rotated you hands as if to gesture him foreword.

" can continue playing." You smiled before walking in the direction given.

After leaving the pool and getting dressed you walked into the education halls heading up the staircase. You didn't even make it up halfway until you heard a loud screech.

"IT'S V4!" A girl screamed.

~ Sorry this sort, for those who care lol,
However I wanted the next chapter to be about the "V4" therefor that's what it's going to be named ~

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