Chapter 2: School

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"Get up, Mark! You'll be late for school, again!" Lucas yelled from the kitchen. Mark yawned, and fell out of bed. Mark looked at the clock up on his desk, and realized that he was already late. Running down the hallway, he grabbed his books and ran to school. When he made it to class, everyone stared at him as he slammed the door, and the teacher crossed her arms, and said, "You're late, Mark." "I know, Mrs.-" "Don't try, Mark." The teacher said. He sighed, and sat down. After an hour of school, the bell rang for the students to go to the next classroom. I should've combed my hair. Mark thought as he combed through his hair with his fingers. A hand slowly was set on Mark's shoulder. Mark sighed, thinking it was a teacher, he turned around very slowly, but instead saw a girl, smiling at him. "Oh, never mind." Mark turned back around to put his books in the blue locker he had. The girl frowned, and shook Mark. He turned around and said, "What." The girl asked, "Can you..." Mark looked to his right, and saw a girl walk into his class, and he suddenly felt something spark in him. Mark never had a crush on any of the girls, until this one. Everything the other girl was saying was out of his mind. "Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark!" Mark looked at the girl in front of him, "Can you?" She asked. Mark replied, "I need to go to class." He ran to class as fast as he could so he could see that girl again. When he made it in, there was a seat next to her. He ran towards the seat, but her friend sat there. "Hey Mark!" Mark turned to where the sound was coming from, and saw his best friend, Brad. "What's up, Brad?" Mark asked as he sat down next to him. "Nothing much. Just doing some sports, you know, being the class clown can get tough, but hey, I'm pretty cool at where I'm at right now." Mark and Brad started laughing, until the teacher warned, "Be quiet!" Brad and Mar stopped immediately, and took out their books from the desks they had that class. Mark looked over at the girl he wanted to sit next to, but after a minute of looking at her than looking away, the next time he looked at the girl, she looked at him. She looked at him in a confused look, than looked away. Mark was smiling the whole time, but when he realized that she wasn't looking anymore, he knew that she didn't care about him, so he shouldn't care either. The class bell rang, and the kids all walked out of the classrooms they were in. Everyone was talking, since they were walking to lunch. Mark and Brad usually sat on top of a tall boulder, where they could see the entire school. No one knew about the secret place, except Mark, Brad, and Sarah. Sarah is Mark's best friend also. Mark, Brad and Sarah have been friends since the first grade, when Brad asked Mark if he wanted to laugh, then Mark and Brad became friends. Brad also asked Sarah if she wanted to laugh, that's how Brad and her became friends. The way Sarah and Mark became friends was when someone was bullying Sarah, so Mark protected her. "I wonder where Sarah is." Brad said. "Yeah. She's probably sick today or something." Mark replied. "Hey, guys!" Mark and Brad looked down, and saw Sarah running to where they were. "I stand corrected." Mark said. Brad laughed, and said, "I guess you do." Mark smiled, and crawled to where Sarah was climbing up. When she almost made it to the top, Mark held out his hand to help her up, and said, "Here you go, Sarah." Sarah replied, "Thanks, Mark." He nodded, and when Sarah reached the top with Mark's help, Mark took out his earphones,and started playing music while eating lunch. "Hey, Mark." Brad touched Mark so then he would realize that someone was talking to him. Mark took off his earphones and asked, "Yeah?" "How's Warrior Training going?" Brad asked. "Good. I've been learning how to do the Wind Slash. "Awesome!" Brad cheered. "Can you teach me how to do it?" Sarah asked. "Sure. Anything for you, Sarah." Mark replied. Sarah smiled and blushed, happy that she could talk to Mark. The school bell rang, which meant lunch was over. "How about tomorrow, Sarah? After school, would that work?" Sarah nodded, and the kids climbed down the hill. When they reached the bottom, they both went their separate ways. Sarah had to go to History class, while Mark and Brad had to go for Biology class. At the end of the day, Mark walked to where Sarah's locker was. When he saw he shoving her books in her locker, he yelled, "Hey Sarah!" Sarah looked where the noise was coming from, and she smiled. Mark walked over to her, and asked, "Since we both are neighbors, do you want to walk home together?" Sarah replied, "Sure." Sarah shut her locker, and Mark started walking with her. When they reached outside, Mark asked, "So, how are you in History?" Sarah looked at him, and realized that he was looking at her, so she quickly looked away, "Um, good." Sarah replied, making sure Mark didn't see her blushing. Mark looked at Sarah with a confused look, than took out his notebook from his backpack, and began to draw. That started to get Sarah's attention. She moved closer to him, and looked at what he was drawing. "Wow, you're very good at drawing." Sarah said. "Thanks." Mark replied. As they were walking to their houses, five boys blocked their way to go any further. "Look what the cat dragged in, the shy girl." The leader of the gang joked. "Oh look, her boyfriend's walking her home." All the boys laughed. "Hey! I'm not her boyfriend!" Mark yelled at the boys. "Ha! Whatever weirdo. We'll let you guys go, only if the boyfriend has a sword battle, against all five of us." "Okay, can I..." "Hold it." The leader interrupted Mark. "If you lose, the girl and your other friends will be bullied. If you win, the girl won't be bullied anymore. "Okay. I just need a sword." The boy took out a sword from his backpack, and threw it to him so he could catch it on the handle. Mark grabbed Sarah's wrist and whispered to her, face-to-face, "You wont have to be bullied anymore." Mark smiled. Sarah smiled too, but quickly ran to the side to see the fight, and so Mark couldn't see her blushing so much. Mark started to make a stance to get ready for the fight, the other boys doing the same. Mark could see that the boys all had horrible footwork, so this wouldn't be hard at all. All the boys charged at him, except the leader. Mark used his foot to quickly kick the closest boy to him in the nuts, making him fall down, his face red with pain. He took the next boy's arm that had his sword in it, and twisted it around. The boy dropped the sword, and Mark quickly grabbed it fro, the air, started doing sword-to-sword against the other boy. The boy that twisted his wrist by Mark started crying. The two other boys tried doing sword-to-sword with Mark, but he was too good. He accidently gave one of the boys a cut, which made him bleed. He looked at Mark, and quickly ran away. The other one was too scared, so he ran as well. But the leader stayed firm in his place. "Well, I guess it's me and you, bud." The boy teased. Mark ignored this, and walked towards the boy. The boy still had his stance going, while Mark didn't. As Mark walked towards the boy, the boy started getting scared. Mark lifted his sword up high, and twirled it around. He started making so much wind, it started to make Sarah and the boy get pushed way. While Mark was twirling the sword in the air, Mark quickly slashed at the air, and it made the boy get pushed back and fall to the ground, his sword fell out of his hand. Mark put the sword right against his neck and warned, "Run." The boy breathed heavily and ran as fast as he could. Sarah said, "Thank you, Mark." Mark turned around and saw Sarah smiling at him. Mark looked away. Wait a second, why am I looking away? Why am I blushing? I don't have feelings for her!  Mark thought, and turned around and still could see Sarah looking at him. Mark walked over to Sarah and said, "Come on, let's go home." Sarah nodded, and they both walked home. When they reached their houses, Mark turned to Sarah, and asked, "Will you be ready to learn the Wind Slash tomorrow?" Sarah nodded, and walked back to her house. Mark still looked at her, and when she entered and closed the door to her house, Mark walked back to his house.

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