Crazy Kings and Mad Geniuses

Start from the beginning

  "Ya, why don't you carry my bag for an old man like me." Aang laughed at a disgruntled Sokka, throwing him the bag he was carrying, full of our clothes and supplies.

  "And missy," the guard said turning to me, "keep your friends out of trouble." I nodded eagerly and we practically ran through the gates into the city beyond.

  It had been three long hours since we had entered the city, and I was bored out of my mind. Aang had taken me here a couple times with him when he went to visit friends. But you could only sneak out so much before either getting caught or snitched on.

  The monks had told me I couldn't go anywhere anymore. Well, other than the temple of course. But since they hadn't found Aang, he had done a little more traveling then me.

  Right now Aang was showing the water-tribe siblings the delivery system.

Otherwise known as the biggest super slide in all the nation's combined. I decided to wander the town instead. Going on that thing always made me sick.

  I told them I wood be going shopping for a little while and Aang could just call for me when he was done. I reached into my bag tied to my waist, and found five gold pieces, ten silver pieces, and twenty-five copper pieces. I could buy a whole day of fun and food, and still have enough for three more people.

  I told them goodbye, hugged my brother, and started to walk to the market.

  My eyes widened in disbelief. They had everything here, from warm tea to Earthbender clothes. I passed the booths filled with bright objects and colours, each one more extravagant than the last.

  I finally stopped at a clothing booth.

  Inside was many different styles of Earthbending clothes. I held up a fabric to my face, so soft, that it felt like a fluffy cloud. Then I turned and saw the most beautiful dress. I rushed over to it too inspect it. It was lightweight, durable, and the fabric was sturdy, yet sophisticated.

  I turned behind me to a woman at the counter. "How much for this dress?" I grabbed at the lush fabric. The woman pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, looking me up and down. My giddiness at finding the outfit dimmed.

  "That dress costs a lot of money little girl," she snapped, "Get your grubby hands off it!" I quickly snatched my hands back and held them against my chest.

  The woman sniffed and put her head up higher. "A dirty street urchin like you shouldn't be allowed in here." My eyes started to burn. I wasn't a street kid!

  "I have the money. I'm not poor." I defended. The woman raised her eyebrows. I huffed. "How much is it?"

  "Six silver pieces." The old woman said snottily. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out the money. "Here." I walked over and slammed the money down on the counter before grabbing the dress and leaving.

  On my way out I heard the faint cry of 'My cabbages!' It was probably some stupid vendor so I kept walking. Are all people this mean? I was fuming mad and paid no attention to where I was going.

  I bumped into somebody and ended up falling on my butt. I held the dress up in the air, preventing it from getting dirty.

   I looked up, surprised to see a boy grinning down at me. He looked to be about sixteen. But what surprised me were the multiple cuts all along his face. Like somebody had taken a knife and went crazy.

  "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Even though I was mad, I still had manners and decent respect. The boy grinned.

  "What's a little thing like you doing out here? You could run into some bad people." He snapped his fingers and a couple more boys appeared.

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