That seemed to make sense to everyone.

"There's the matter of the language barrier, too. Their language is very restrictive and everyone knows it drives me crazy." Gray stopped to let them laugh. "But we need to try really hard to teach the guys we brought back here with us the Common."

Gray was pretty sure that was it for the general stuff. He took a drink of the homebrew and waited. They looked at him expectantly.

"Well?" Charlie asked, a grin on his face.

Gray looked at him. "I want you take that crystal and see what you can find out back in the library. You can take Tyler home yourself that way."

"He's asked to stay." Charlie informed him.

Gray didn't appear to like that. His expression darkened a little. "And his family? You know his wife won't be happy with that."

"He can go with me and talk it out with Mary. If he still wants to come back, then he can." Charlie answered.

"What's your reasoning?"

Charlie shrugged and leaned back, tapping a finger on the table absently. "The way I figure it, they'll need someone around here who can fix things when we leave for the mine. He's almost as safe here as he would be in the forest. I feel comfortable with it."

Gray nodded. "Alright then. If Mary doesn't kill him, bring him back. How is he with the Common?"

"Doing really well. We've been working with the Ranthos a lot because of the well and the new housing we've had to put up so he's getting more practice than most people."

Gray nodded. "Good."

"Mom, I want you to check out every man in this camp and see which ones are in good condition. Eli, that'll put you and Clea in charge of training. I want you guys to really push these fellas to see what they can do. When the weather breaks in the mountains this spring, we have to be ready to get on the ground." he explained.

Clea and Eli shared a look of acknowledgment.

"Dad and I are going to go looking for anyone else who might be out there and who might be willing to come back with us. That puts you in charge again, Nate. By the time I get back, I want to see everything moving along." He said, looking at his brother.

Nate made a face. "Please tell me you'll leave Intuk."

Gray looked amused. "You couldn't do all this shit without him."

Katara entered in then. She was carrying a platter, followed by other young women with food. The table was cleared to make room for their meal. The women left, but Katara returned with fresh pitchers. By then they had begun filling their plates. She swapped the pitcher closest to him and in her own language, the words of the River People, asked if he needed anything else.

"No. Thank you." he answered.

She smiled. "You talk much today."

Gray looked at her. "I have much to say."

"You have many fire sticks, too." she pointed out, slight disapproval in her tone.

He rolled his eyes. "Do not begin nagging." He replied, amused.

Katara smiled shyly at him, shook her head and started away.

Gray caught himself watching her and forced his attention back to the table.

"What was that language?" Charlie asked, taking a bite out of his meat.

"Jakara. It's what the River People call themselves."

Book One: Rise of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now