Chapter 2

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As I opened my eyes, the world seemed like a blur to me. Then I suddenly realized that I didn't have my big, black framed, nerd glasses on. I tried to look around, but I couldn't see them anywhere.

I was in a small room, and from what I could see, there was white everywhere. I just automatically assumed that I was in a hospital room.

I also noticed that there was 2 other people in the room, one that was wearing a white, doctor-like outfit, and one was wearing all black. I could sort of make out glasses similar to mine on this persons face.


"" is all I managed to get out of my aching body. My throat hurt and my head was pounding so much so that I thought it was going to explode. Zachary soon came over to me and placed his large hand on my forehead.

"Your burning up, Jenny."

Jenny? How does he know my name? Wait, why is he see in the hospital with me? All these thoughts going threw my head made me pass out again.

1 hour later...

I woke up and realized I had my glasses on, and soon after realized that Zachary was no longer in the room with me. I turned my head, fighting against the unbearable pain, all around the room, until I came to the conclusion that he was gone.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek and I began to sob quietly. When I woke up, I remembered what had happened at the diner, and I thought about how sweet he was. I thought he would be here for me.

These thoughts were making me more upset. My quiet sobs were interrupted by the swinging of the door to the hospital room. I didn't look up because, well, I had mascara running down my face. I thought nurses would take that off...guess not.

I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Zachary standing there.

"Jenny, are you okay?"

I suddenly burst into tears. Zach pulled me into a hug, which hurt bad but I didn't care. Normally if Zach hugged me, I'd pass out, but he brought me some comfort that I've never felt before. I felt safe.

"I felt s-so alone, an I-"

My words were interrupted.

"It's okay, I'll be here for you."

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