Editors Note

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I was reading my earlier chapters and the comments to it. I now have come to the realization that a lot of stuff that I post could in some way be harmful and offensive. If I have offended you, made you feel sad, threatened or made you feel uncomfortable in ANY way then I am well and truly sorry. This book is for making people laugh and that's it, I have not intentions of putting anyone in a negative thought. 

Also, after 7 months, I logged back into Wattpad and found that my book 'Comebacks' reached 1.5 MILLION views and an inbox filled with positive feedbacks and tips. I'd like to thank each and everyone of you because you guys are amazing, honestly!

Annnddd... I've gotten a lot of inbox messages about bullying and tips about bullies Look, you're all unique and that shouldn't be a reason why you get bullied. No reason is acceptable. Please, talk to someone about it if you're bullied. You're all perfect in  every way, never forget that. I'm always here if you want to talk. 

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