Chapter 6

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three days later.

Three days have passed and I finally have a day off of work. Work has been work, what else can I say. It's not the most exciting job out there but it pays the bills while having some money left over for Maya and I to do things. My work is understanding with Maya and Iris's situation. Deciding to take up Niall's offer, I call him to see if he would like to have lunch and see Iris with me later today. I pick up my phone scroll through my contacts until i get to the 'N's'. He's the first 'n' name so I click his contact and let it ring.

"Hey Harry, how are ya mate?" Niall greets me in a cheery voice like he normally does.

"Hey Ni. I'm good. I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch and then go see Iris?"

"Yeah, that'd be ace. When do you wanna go?"

I glance at my watch and it reads 11:10, "Say 12? Is that too soon? If it is we can go later."

"12 sounds good. Do you wanna meet at place we used to go to all the time downtown?"

I think for a second, "That works for me.  I have to drop Maya off and then I'll be on my way."

"Sure thing, mate. See ya then!" Niall says before hanging up.

"Laters." I quickly say before he cuts off.

I don't want Maya to go with yet because then it will give Niall and I time to talk and catch up. Also, I don't want her in the hospital unless necessary. I figured Louis would be gladly to watch Maya for a couple of hours. Not wasting more time, I call Louis to ask.

"Hey Louis."

Louis greets me back,"Hey Haz. What's up?" 

"Niall and I are going out to lunch and then visit Iris so I was wondering if you could watch the little pumpkin for a few hours. If you can't that's fine. I can take her with me and i'm sure Niall would-."

I was cut off by Louis saying, "Dude, that's totally fine. I just have to finish up some work but it's no problem. What time are you going to drop her off?"

"I'm meeting Niall at noon so probably in about a half hour?"

"Sounds good, I should be finished by then. I'll see you and pumpkin then!"

"Okay! Thank you." With that, I hang up and go check on Maya and get ourselves ready.

 I check on Maya who was still taking her mid morning nap. Once I knew she was okay, I went to go freshen myself up. I put on a different pair of black skinny jeans, a yellow-gold short sleeved button up, and my tan boots. I pack up Maya's bags and put them by the door so they are ready to go. I walk into the bathroom and try to comb my hair which ends up in failure so I just run my fingers through it a few times to get the hairs in their right place. 

I walk back into Maya's room to wake her up. Instead of a sleeping baby, I was greeted by wide eyed baby staring back up at me. I smile back at her and gently pick up up. I quickly change her into a different onesie and check her diaper. Surprising, she was dry so I carry her and her things out to the car. Within a few minutes we make it to Louis's flat. I drop her off with him and give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

The place I'm meeting Niall is only a few blocks from Louis's apartment so I'm there within a few minutes. As I walk through the door I quickly spot a blonde head of hair. I walk over to him and he stands to greet me. A few seconds after I sit down, a waitress takes our drink and food orders. Since, we used to go here all the time, I know what I want. After the waitress walks away I start the conversation, " are you and Zayn doing? Still together?"

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