Jealousy (Chapter Three)

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Eren's POV

I slowly began to wake up to the sound of a door shutting. It seemed to be night time and I noticed I was still in the infirmary. I could feel something wrapped around my hand, and it revealed to be Mikasa's hand. She was asleep and slightly on the bed, but she could not fully lie down since it was so small. Oh no, not this again... Back when me and Mikasa lived in Shiganshina, if I did not lock my door, she would come in my room and sleep next to me at night. As I began to slowly remove my hand from hers, she started to slowly wake up. Quickly, I pretended to be asleep and stayed really quiet. I felt her stand up I move closer to me. Then, I felt something warm and wet on my cheek. Did she just kiss me on the cheek? It was really confusing to me that she would kiss me. She just meant it in a sibling way... probably. Slowly, I heard her walk to the door and leave. My eyes opened and I sighed in relief. I need to get out of here, in case she comes back. Quietly, I got up and made my way towards the door. As I opened up the door, I saw Mikasa and Armin talking at the end of the hall. Mikasa's back was facing me while Armin was looking at me. His eyes widened as he saw me, but I gave him a glare and mouthed to him to be quiet. Slowly, I walked away and finally got to the exit and made my way to the cafeteria to get something to eat since I did not get dinner.

Annie's POV

     I was in the cafeteria about to grab something to eat since I did not eat dinner and then I saw Eren walk in. He looked over at me and waved while smiling. I made sure just to keep my cool and act normal, but for some reason I was glad he was here. Then, he and I grabbed our food and he waved for me to come over and sit next to him. Since I did not have anyone to talk to I walked over and sat down with him. It was pretty quiet for the first minute but then he decided to talk. "Your a great fighter, could we train together tomorrow?" Eren asked me with a face full of curiosity. I felt myself blush, but I quickly got rid of it and replied "Sure." He and I went back to eating our food in silence. When we were done he asked me "Would you like me to throw out your plate for you?" All the sudden, I felt myself blush again, I looked away and said "Thanks" as I handed him my plate. In the corner of my eye, I saw him nod and walk to the garbage. I waited for him at the exit and when he got there me and him walked off. I could feel as if someone was watching us as we walked together. A couple seconds later, Eren said "Alright Annie, I'll see you tomorrow." I then looked at him and replied "Ok Eren, see you tomorrow." With that, we walked away to our dorms. As I arrived to my dorm, I noticed Mikasa was not there. That's weird, where could she be? She could have not been following me and Eren.. Right? After thinking of that thought I shook it off and layed down on my bunk. I could not sleep so I just layed there deep in thought.

Eren's POV

     As I was walking to my dorm I felt another presence was there and following me. Then, I heard the sound of footsteps go behind me, and I quickly turned around to find no one there. I sighed in relief. This must be my imagination playing with me, I must've hit my head when me and Annie fought together. I shrugged and turned back around only to be jump scared by Mikasa. "Jeeze Mikasa! Ever heard of calling someone's name instead of getting in there face?" I yelled at her. She looked sad and then looked down. I immediately felt bad when she said "I'm sorry Eren, you weren't in the infirmary and I got worried about you, I'll be going..." She began to walk away until I called her name. "Mikasa, please don't be sad, I'm always right here." She looked back at me and said "I know Eren, I just wish I could be next to you always..." She whispered. With that she left and disappeared into the darkness. After putting together what just happened, I walked into my dorm. I saw my roommates were all asleep, and I was soon to join them. Quietly, I walked over and climbed into my bunk and slowly closed my eyes looking forward to tomorrow.

3rd person POV

     Mikasa was walking back feeling ashamed for following Eren and Annie. She just was jealous that Eren was with Annie and not her. As she arrived into her dorm, she noticed everyone was awake. She gave Annie a glare as she walked into her bunk. Slowly, Mikasa fell asleep with dreams filled with Eren. (I imagine if Mikasa was to dream about one thing, it would be him.)
     All the cadets were arriving into the cafeteria. Eren and Armin meeted up with Mikasa after getting there food. As Eren sat down he could feel Mikasa looking at him. It sent chills down his spine thinking about all the other times he was not looking at Mikasa and she was looking at him. "So, I'm gonna be training with Krista today." Armin said with a blush. Eren looked up and smirked "Aww Armin got a crush?" Armin tried his best to give a glare to him but failed trying. Mikasa looked at Eren and was about to say something until Eren spoke first. "So, I'm gonna be training with Annie today." Eren said to his friends as he started eating his food. As soon as Mikasa heard that her hand gripped so tight it bended the metal spoon she was holding. Eren and Armin gave her a "Are you ok?" look as her blood began to boil. "I'll be right back..." Mikasa said as she got up and walked away. As Mikasa walked up to get another spoon, thoughts ran through her mind. I can't let Eren and Annie train together! I need to stop it somehow... She then got a new spoon and walked back to the table. They heard a bell ring which they assumed meant for them to go train and so they did. Mikasa then thought maybe if I pretend to be sick Eren will take care of me. She then tried to make her face blush red. She could not at first but then as thoughts of Eren came in she immediately became as red as a tomato. Quickly, she ran up to Eren. "Eren I don't feel good..." Mikasa groaned. Eren looked at her and said. "Nice try Mikasa, that trick won't work again." Eren mumbled as he walked away to find Annie. Mikasa became very mad at this point and decided to follow Eren. After a couple minutes Eren found Annie. "Hey Annie. Ready to get to work?" Eren asked as he cracked his knuckles. "Sure, I thought you would never show up..." Annie said as she cracked her neck. "Alright, here I come!" Eren yelled as he charged. In less than 3 seconds he was already on the ground coughing. Annie felt bad and decided to help him up. "Here, grab my hand." Annie said while trying to contain a blush. "Thanks." Eren said to Annie. But, Eren was too heavy for Annie and she ended up landing on top of him. "Oh, sorry Eren.." Annie said as she blushed like a tomato. "It's no problem..." Eren said as he too blushed. Just then Mikasa saw Annie on top of Eren and she became insane. She charged at Annie as she got off of Eren and punched her. "Oww! What the heck Ackerman!" Annie yelled as she tried to get up. "Annie! Are you ok?!" Eren running to her side. "Yeah I'm fine just twisted my ankle on the fall." Annie mumbled. "Mikasa! Why did you do that?!" Eren yelled as he gave Mikasa a glare. Mikasa finally came back to her senses as she realized what she did. "Eren.. I'm so-" She was interrupted as Annie round house kicked her instantly knocking her out. "That's payback..." Annie growled as she grabbed onto Eren for support. Eren then picked her up bridal style and carried her to the infirmary while Armin and Jean got Mikasa.
"Here Annie, just lay down.." Eren said as he gently lowered Annie onto the bed. Annie slightly blushed as Eren's hands moved across her back as he let go of her. "Thanks Eren.." Annie whispered. Armin came in and looked at Eren and Annie. "Hey guys, you all right?" Armin asked concerned. Annie and Eren both nodded. As Armin turned and left to probably go back to Mikasa. Just after, Reiner and Bertholdt ran into the room. "Hey we just heard what happened, are you ok?!" Reiner asked while trying to catch his breath. "Yeah I'm fine Reiner." Annie mumbled. "Hey Annie, I will see you later ok?" Eren said as he began to walk to the door. "Ok... Bye Eren.." Annie whispered. Reiner smirked as Eren left. "Eren and Annie sitting in a *THUD*" Reiner did not finish his sentence since Bertholdt kicked his feet out from under him. Annie looked surprised at Bertholdt since she never saw him act like this. "Bertholdt! Why did you do that?! I could have finally teased Annie without her beating me up!" Reiner whined. Annie glared at Reiner and then turned her focus to Bertholdt. "Why are you acting like this?" She asked with a worried tone in her voice. But all the sudden, Bertholdt walked out of the room. Reiner gave Annie a confused look as she shrugged.

Eren's POV

     I walked to Mikasa's recovery room which was down the hall from Annie's. As I walked in I was greeted by a angry horse looking at me. "Jean, get out..." Mikasa growled. Jean looked back at her, but then walked out into the hallway. Mikasa then smiled at me but then quickly turned into a frown when she saw the look on my face. "Mikasa! Why did you attack Annie?!" I yelled. Mikasa just looked at me and the something unexpected happened. I saw a tear go down her face. She started to cry lightly before I walked over and hugged her. "Mikasa, don't cry..." I whispered into her ear. She hugged me back and burrowed her face into my chest. "I just want you to be safe Eren..." She cried into my chest. "Mikasa, I'm not gonna stop talking to you because of Annie, your one of the most important people to me in this world..." I whispered into her ear. She looked up at me with tears still on her face and then she said "Ok Eren... Just promise to be careful, ok?" She whispered to me. "Of course Mikasa.." I said as I hugged her tighter. I could feel her grip lose on me and then I gently laid her on the bed. "See you tomorrow Mikasa.." I said as I walked to the door. I was walking down the hall by Annie's recovery room as I saw Bertholdt walk past me. It looked as if he had tears in his eyes. I wonder what's up with him... I continued to walk out of the recovery building and back to my dorm. As I arrived, Jean was giving me a glare but I just ignored him and climbed into my bunk. I thought about what I should do tomorrow. I guess I'll go take care of Annie since she'll be out for a couple days. Then, I could not keep my eyes open any more and I drifted to sleep.

Hi to all who are reading this. I want to let you all know my chapters are aimed to be 1,700 words and above. I'd like to thank TheFrugalMoogle and Anime_is_life360 for helping me with this story. They helped me a lot and if you don't know them, I'd encourage you to check out their stories. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next update.

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