"Okay, on with the scan!" The doctor said chirpily as the nurse disappeared behind the curtain.

I looked at my tummy as he applied gel over my skin, and then I immediately turned to stare at the screen next to me as he placed the sounder on-top of the gel.

This wasn't my first party; not by any means.

But that didn't make it all the more fresh and emotional as that very first time, almost fifteen years ago now.

I looked at the screen just as the sound of our child's heartbeat met my ears and I covered my mouth, pushing the relieved sob back inside.

"How, uh," I cleared my throat, trying to pull myself together. "How far gone? " I choked and the doctor smiled, looking back at the screen.

"Approximately fourteen weeks."

"But, how is that possible?" I asked, looking at my bloated tummy.

"Well, it could be just bloat through lack of food," The doctor said, scowling at me, displeased.

"When did you start to show with your last pregnancy?" I opened my mouth to answer, beginning to think back, but Spencer beat me to it.

"Week eighteen," He said confidently in a thick voice, and when I turned back to him I saw tears running down his cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry." He cleared his throat and rubbed at his eyes with the heel of his right hand.

"It's okay." I said soothingly, covering his hands with my own.

"I'll give you both a moment."

"Doctor," Spencer said urgently. "Is everything o-okay?" He stuttered. "With the b-baby I mean?"

"Everything looks healthy to me, yes." He nodded before grinning and ducking out from the cubicle again.

There was a long pause filled with nothing but silence as Spencer and I sat there, holding hands, staring at my tummy.

"I'm pregnant, Spence," I said quietly. "I'm... I'm pregnant," I repeated.

"I'm having a baby," I laughed in glee and threw my arms around him. "We're going to be parents!"

He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing tightly and holding me to him like I was the most precious thing in the world.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I asked, pulling back in confusion.

"I-I don't know what to say," He admitted, pushing the hair out of my face.

"Two hours ago I thought you were leaving me again for good because of what I've done to you, and now we're having a baby."

I nodded my head, remembering everything with Dylan and pulling back.

"What's going on, Spencer?" I asked confusedly and he sighed, running a hand over his face before resting it on my hands again, biting his bottom lip before turning those magnificent eyes onto mine.

"I am in love with you, that is what's going on. And I am so in love with you, that I got scared. I got scared because I could feel myself falling for you even more and I knew I was getting caught up in my feelings; getting ahead of myself and I was terrified of anything happening to either of us to ruin it.

"I got scared and I was stupid and I was a coward for not ending things with Dylan."

"So you're going to?"

"You're carrying my baby, Melly, of course I'm going to. I love you."

A smile broke across my face and I nodded my head, looking up from our hands briefly to glance at his face and then back down to our hands again to say,

Lies - Criminal Minds || Spencer Reid FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now