The Crew

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"Pumpkin, we are only going to be gone a few days, I will come back next week!"

"I know, babe, it's just-"

"Hey, look at me, I love you! I'm not going anywhere. I know canoeing isn't my thing, and neither is nature and the whole woods part, but I'm not going to leave Jimmy and Dayrl hangin! It's guys get away weekend and I don't want to miss it. I will come back alive, I promise."

"I don't want you to miss it either, I just don't want you boys messing around and ending up hurt. That's all. Now go have some fun, but not to much fun." Ella says to her boyfriend, winking. Saying those last five words very flirtatious like.

"I love you, Pumpkin!!!" Derek shouts as him and his friends pull out of the driveway.

"The Crew" or so they called themselves was now heading down the road. Jessie's Girl playing loudly, and obnoxiously, they all sing along. "Cause she's watching him with those eyes. And she's lovin him with that body, I just know it."

"You need to take a right onto Gunerson Ln." Dayrl says as he is trying to figure out the local map.

"Why should I trust you if you can't even figure out how to work a stupid map?" Jimmy shouts from behind the wheel. "Hand the map over to Derek. I'm sure he can figure it out!"

As Derek takes the map he takes a sharp breath and tells himself "I know this ain't your thing, man, but Jimmy Boy is counting on you...don't mess this up."

"He's right, you need to take a right, and then shoot out onto the highway and we have to get off the highway in an hour or so." Derek tells Jimmy.

"Well that's a first." Jimmy murmurs just loud enough for the others to hear.

"Screw you!" Dayrl exclaims.

"I'm sorry, man, I was only teasing." Jimmy says apologetically.

Dayrl has always been the sensitive one, but no one would ever know it because he has such a bad boy appearance. Just picture your average bad boy. The tattoos, the scars, the shaved head, the ripped clothes, the muscles. Yup, that's him. His parents don't even know he's a sensitive guy! Just last month he hadn't come home to his girlfriend for almost a whole week, without a single word, and he acted as if nothing happened! And every birthday he gets a new tattoo. His last one was of a dove, a dove with an arrow through its head! His wardrobe consists of ripped jeans and tight shirts that show off his perfectly shaped muscles. Standing at 6' 1" he's known as the Gentle Giant to close friends. But if anyone where to find out besides his buddies, they wouldn't be living for very long. At the age of 17 he ran away from home. No one knows why, and now, 24, he still won't talk about it with anyone. And the guys don't dare push it.

Jimmy on the other hand, oh boy, he is a handful. A 24 year old that acts like a 13 year old boy! He has no boundaries, and he doesn't respect other people's boundaries, he will push buttons and he will do anything in his power to make people angry. I guess it's reasonable, considering he grew up with an abusive father. No one really blames him, and we all learned to get along with him. If only everyone else could see that. Jimmy's biggest secret, he likes boys, he has a boyfriend back home, but neither of them want people to know, yet anyway. 

Last but not least, Derek. Derek is your typical guy, 23, living with his high school sweetheart, has a dog named Pup, he's active, and he is an all around family man. His chocolate brown hair is perfectly styled and never messy-even though he doesn't have to style it because it's so short. The most level headed of the three guys, he takes the responsibility of being the leader. Hopefully this goes better than expected.

If anyone is actually reading this, please don't judge, I'm not good with writing and story telling but I enjoy it. I'm usually picked on for trying to tell stories so I quit doing it in front of people, hopefully I can continue doing it on here.

Love, me.

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