Ch.2: Memories

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(Luffy's P.O.V)

On a day where every thing is calm on the going merry not much noise is being made. Luffy is a sleep in the ship's cabin. Luffy is dreaming of his childhood days back when he was with Shanks and his crew then suddenly going to the future where he exchanges a cup of sake with Ace and Sabo making them brothers. So after that day he was with his two older brothers training to become a strong pirates. Then he started seeing the days when their Ojīchan (other know as Garp) would train them into strong marines he says. But as usual all three of them denying the fact they would ever become marines, than the usual punish of Garp almost leaving them at the verge of death. With all this happening Luffy suddenly went to the future once again to find him self replaying the same memory he never even wanted remember. 

(Writers P.O.V)

It was the day when he saw Sabo die right in front of him then falling over the edge of the cliff and fall into the water. He wanted to jump in but since he had the devil powers he couldn't and he couldn't reach Sabo now because he was to deep in the water and already drifting farther into the sea. Luffy was very devastated. Then he started crying, while he was crying Ace had to protect him from the bandit and remain strong so that him and Luffy will still live. Ace was very tired then he heard a big thud right when the crying stopped. Ace was very determined wanting to beat them but he didn't have enough strength, that's when the bandit had took him by surprise the bandit had swung at his legs kicked him away. He slowly pulled out his sword and he was about to hit Luffy not until Ace had stopped the bandit by using Haki. Ace was very glad that Luffy was still safe, but something happened to quickly for him to notice. Luffy was gone from the spot, Ace outrages was able to track another bandit. But the bandit was far on a different fighting level he swung right at him to knock the boy out cold. After Ace had woken up from a cold splash of water he saw Luffy on a chair right, in front of him awake with fear in his and his face saying "Help me Ace!!" with that desperate look on his face, Ace tried to break free but failed. Then they both heard a deep dark laugh that scared them both. Luffy was now really scared on what was about to happen. Ace yelled at him but failed in attempt to only receive a slap on the face to shut him up. The man who had the done the waking up Ace and the hit Ace received was out underneath the lamp light. Ace then saw the leader come out of the shadows. He was very scared on what was about to happen to him and Luffy. The man seemed to be strong there was a table on the side and there seemed to be a lot of things on it. Ace panicked he desperately tried to get out and to free Luffy but couldn't get out. The leader has laughed more louder and harder. He introduced him self to the two boys saying that his name is Bluejam. Suddenly Luffy felt himself being shacked very violently. Then being brought back out into the real world.


Hey you guys this the end of my ch.2 there will be more chapters so you guys have to hang tight and wait for a will to do more chapters.

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