Chapter 2: Run, And Don't Look Back.

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        My hands shaking. My heart racing. My head going crazy. I looked around, and then grabbed the loaf of bread in front of me. I sprinted away with everything in me. I heard shouting, and someone tried to grab the dirt-covered sleeve of my oversized sweatshirt. I yanked my arm away and kept running. I saw a small hole just big enough for me to crawl in to. I crawled in quickly, and sat quietly. I heard a small voice say from the darkness, "Go somewhere else, this is our place." I looked around and saw a figure. 

      I sat still pretending I didn't hear them. I remembered the flashlight I had stolen earlier that day, and grabbed it. I shined it in the general direction I thought I heard the voice come from. I saw a little girl, no more than 7, sitting in the corner hiding her face. Next to her was a boy my age, looking at me with a scared look on his face. "I'm not going to hurt you," I said reassuringly. The little girl looked up at me, and I could tell she was still frighten. I moved a little closer, and she started to cry. I moved back to where I was, as the boy moved in to comfort her. I could tell in that moment, they were close. 

     I asked for their names, and for a moment no one spoke. Then, I heard, "Sam and Meghan." I told them my name was Aurora and I was 16. Sam told me that he is 17 and Meghan is 6. We didn't really exchange words after that. I just stayed in my spot and they stayed in theirs. 


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