Chapter Two - Noah

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"No," I say, feeling anger rising inside of me. "You said we could talk or play with our friends and that's what I'm doing."

"Alright," she sighs. "Okay." She looks annoyed and shoots a mad look at Jesse before turning around and walking off.

Why do some grownups have to be so mean? Why can't more be like mom and dad?

Jesse looks more upset than I've seen him before. It's like he's about to cry and that makes me mad. Why did she have to go and make him sad again? It's not nice to make people sad.

He doesn't want me to tell my parents. But I think we should tell them. I don't think she should be allowed to talk about him like that. Like he's nothing. But Jesse keeps saying no. He doesn't want it. So I relent.

But I swear I'm going to protect him. Maybe not from all the bad guys in the world. But from the mean bullies like Nathan. Because I don't want to see Jesse sadder than he already is. And besides, that's what best friends are for.

"Fine, I won't," I tell him.

But I'm going to make sure they don't make you sadder than you already are.

He reaches across the table and puts his hand on top of mine. I stare across the table at him for a minute and then I grin at him, feeling really happy. He shoots me a curious look, like he thinks I'm weird—which I probably am—and then he takes his hand away.

I wait a second to see if he's going to talk and then he doesn't, so I start talking about the stuff I know; The Simpsons and my parents.

Everyone races out the door as soon as the bell goes, but I'm not as excited for the day to be over as they are. I don't want to go home yet and I definitely don't want to say goodbye to Jesse yet. I really like talking to him. It's way too soon for today to be over. Maybe he could come to my house?

As we walk outside together I notice he doesn't walk beside me, he walks behind me. And he keeps his head down like he's sad again. I don't want him to be sad. I want him to be happy, even if we can't see each other until tomorrow, which is way too long.

He stops once we reach the gate and raises his head and our gazes lock. A horn honks behind me I look over my shoulder to see mom in her car. I look back at Jesse who's biting his lip and brushing his hair in front of his face.

"I have to wait for my mom here."

"Oh... Okay, Seeya tomorrow then."

I run into moms arms and she picks me up off the ground and swings me around. I love my mom. She gives great hugs and she's cooler than all the moms in the whole wide world. She lets me watch The Simpsons with dad—which most kids my age can't do—and she also lets me stay up with them sometimes and I get to have a lot of fun with them. She also takes me places where I can run around so I don't have way too much energy.

Mom kisses the top of my head before putting me in the car.

"Did you have a nice day today?"

I wait for her to get into the front before answering. "Yeah. It was awesome! And I met my best friend."

"That's nice. Who is this best friend? Do I know them?"

I shake my head and then press my lips together. Maybe she does know Jesse. Maybe someone knows him and it's just me who's never seen him before.

"I don't think so. I think he's new or something."

"Why do you think that?"

"I've never seen him around before."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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