"Good evening!" the bleach haired boy welcomed, gun aimed at the nearby ghoul's while Hunter released her arrow, going straight for the sniper ghoul's forehead, the two young investigators slaughter the nearby ghoul's left and right. Piercing hearts, ripping heads. Many methods of killings were used as the two of them cleared the path for the CCG.

"You can enter now!" Juuzou announced, a smile stretched on his face while blood soaked his uniform. Hunter walked behind him, a blank expression adorned her features as she wiped the blood off her chin.

"Your welcome," the young girl internally smirked as she took in the shocked and horrified faces of her colleagues.

"CHARGE!" Marude exclaimed, pointing forward; and so, they did.


"Yamouri's probably in his 'hobby' room. He's been spending a lot of time there lately, he's probably got a new 'toy' to torture." the Aogiri member stated, oblivious to the fact that the colleagues he was currently running with; were in fact imposters. "By the way, what squ-" his sentence was cut off by red bikaku, stabbing the man; energy bolts flickering around it. "Wha..." he wheezed out as he dropped to the floor. The Anteiku members took a defensive stance, ready to attack as they watched a shadowed figure revealing themselves from the shadows. Distinctive red hair came into the light; a basic, black mask played on her face. Only hiding the nose and mouth, kakugan open to the spectators. The Anteiku squad froze, their bodies acting on their own. No one dared speak a word as the ghoul's footsteps echoed towards them. Blue eyes piercing into their gazes.

"If you want to live, tell me where this 'playroom' is." her voice gravely said. Not an ounce of hesitation in her voice. Cold blue orbs watched their every move as she waited for a response.

"Psyc... " Touka mumbled, she shakily removed the mask from her face. "It's us, Anteiku." with that, everyone else revealed themselves. Masks dropping the floor. However, Psyc's body language did not change.

"Does it really matter?" Psyc's monotone voice stated. Now the ghouls were terrified; their eyes widened.

"Kyoko-san," Uta spoke out; "We don't know where it is," with this, the redhead lowered her guard. Clicking her tongue she walked towards the group.

"Yoshimura asked me to tag along," she stated, leaning on her left leg. Touka shared a look with Zephar, before nodding. The group rushed off to find their friend. The blanc haired, female ghoul kept sending glances towards psyc. A shiver running down her spine. Who is this chick?

The battle of CCG vs Aogiri was a long one. Over 200 Aogiri allies lost their lives; including Yamori and the Bin Brothers. 98% of the CCG's enemies had been eradicated. The CCG also gained many, many injuries and casualties. A funeral remembrance was given to them in honor. They had lost their lives in order for the CCG to win the battle. However, even though the battle between them was over, there was still a heavy atmosphere that laid on the organisation. Especially on one specific investigator - in fact a scar had been permanently imprinted on the left side of her stomach. Tracing the scar, the events from the previous conflict lifted into her memory once more.

An arrow ripped the air as it made it's way to the skull of Zephar. However, right before it hit it's end a hand had grabbed the weapon. Snapping it into pieces. A red headed ghoul stood before Hunter, left arm stretched out to protect the young ghoul.

"Everyone, go ahead. You girl," she stated, her eyes made her way to the bleached haired teen; "Stay here. Fight with me, you can't hide that strength from me." Hunter only blankly stared at the group, she was interested in the redhead; she didn't feel at ease around her; when she stared at those cold eyes. Yet when her eyes adorned the other ghoul, she felt an unwavering fill of uneasiness. Despite this, she was fully confident with her abilities. Hunter refused to back down. Her beady black eyes observed her opponents as she let the others of the group escape. A drilling in the back of her mind kept scolding her for fighting them. Telling her; 'they're different' and 'not her target' but she ignored those ravaging thoughts. For something about them peaked her instinct. Silently, her mind flipped through her memories, matching the appearances of the two ghouls to the files she had memorised. Failed matches flashed in her mind as she set her stance ready. Both their backs were turned to her as she continued to search for their ghoul names.

Her heart then leaped, it trembled as the ghoul's both turned around. Kakugan had been set loose. One pair of ghoul eyes glared at her, Kagune released: red lightning bolts flickered in the air around the red head's - two twin tails released itself - a red bikkaku. The younger ghoul also released their Kagune. Pink flashed into Hunter's onyx orbs as she stared, utterly speechless at the beauty in front of her. A pink kagune - a very rare colour a ghoul could get - was released before her eyes. Five tails were released into the battlefield. Yet a single Kakugan glared at her behind the wolf like mask. She would be facing two strong opponents. Not only that but her instincts had been proven correct.

Psyc had returned.

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