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The airy wind blew the foreign investigators onyx hair as she stood, arms crossed, violin strapped on back. Sighing, she pulled the strands of her bangs behind her ear. It was recently discovered the ghouls had an active sniper - former mercenary.

"This is boring..." Hunter sighed, staring at Juuzou on the ground; all fours looking through the hole between his finger and thumb.

"Aren't we attacking?" Juuzou asked.

"We can't attack, those guns are from the 11th branch, we're being snipped upwards." Hunter sighed, looking towards the night sky she began to wonder about the ghouls she researched. Psyc. That was a ghoul that she found interesting. Documents stated that psyc disappeared years ago. She was a psychotic ghoul - hence the name. She'd kill not only for food but pleasure, stringing the corpses with her red koukaku kagune. Random people, child or adult, the 11th ward she started, but it never stopped. Soon people left the ward for the amount of crazed ghouls - that didn't stop her, she moved to the 2nd to continue her hobby of murder - avoiding us. Her unmistakable black ninja mask - plain and simple, sending chills down anyone's spines. However after that she vanished. Not a similar murder, not a wretched scene to face, almost four years ago. No pattern was recorded. However, one day. She vanished, her death is unknown. Most figure such a crazed person must have died if the killings stopped. However, Hunter had her own superstition, and this ghoul really interested her. More than just their mental state, but ability to disappear at will, leaving only a murder to be discovered. An S ranked ghoul no doubt. Despite this ghoul's hiding, the investigator had figured, if this group of ghouls had taken over the 11th ward, previous home to psyc. Wouldn't she want to check it out after curiosity. Aogiri was full of big named ghouls, what said she wouldn't be a part of it. It was all a low chance, instinct, wishful thinking. But the thought send electricity through Hunter's veins as she grew more and more restless.

"Hunter~!" Juuzou called, glancing up at her with his large red orbs; "Can I borrow your kagune?" he asked, mischief all over his eyes.

"Do you know how to use a bow and arrow?"


"Do you play violin?"


"Any stringed instrument?"


"There's your answer." Hunter stated only to earn a whine from Juuzou.

"YOU GUYS ARE HOPELESS!!!" Marude raged, his face displaying all his inner emotions.

"This is so troublesome." Hunter stated, Juuzou gave her a mischievous glance as they had a mutual agreement.

"Okay, here we go!" Juuzou announced, starting the engine; Hunter sat behind him, her weapon in full form. Juuzou and Hunter were tired of infinite waiting; just because this one damn sniper; so they're 'borrowing' Marude's beloved bike. ~The asshole doesn't deserve such beauty~

"Please excuse us," the onyx haired girl humbly warned, adjusting her quinque.

"Oi, oi, OI!" Marude screamed as the two investigators whizzed by, flying into the air.

"Juuzou! Hunter!" Amon shouted, Marude attempted to grab Hunter's jacket, only to be forced to let go. The foreign girl let out a humoured chuckle as she caught a glimpse of Marude's face. She and Juuzou pushed themselves of the bike, flying in mid air.

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