You + Me

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Alright before i begin I'd like to point out that this is my very first time writing on here and uh, Im not used to this ;_; So bear with me? Kay ;) thanks for reading!

Chapter one:

"Well uh, I didn't really plan on..." I couldn't dissapoint Mrs. Bridge!? She was so kind, and I mean honestly she's not asking for a lot. Just a few tutoring sessions. With Jason. A total punk. No big deal? I cleared my throat. "You know what I think I can manage to tutor Jason."

"Oh really? Thank you so much Vallery, I knew you wouldn't let me down!" She smiled at me and gave me a pat on the shoulder. I nodded and then she handed me a few papers with math problems on them.

"You can start today after school! From 2:30 to 4:00 in the library." She gave me her big smile and then rushed off to her room.

2:30 came by rather quickly, and I almost left the building forgetting all about tutoring but I ran into Mrs Bridge who was talking to Jason. Jason had long black flippy hair and was tall, girls drooled over him and around the school he was known to break hearts. I couldn't let Jason intimidate me so with some faked confidence I marched over to him and gave him a polite smile. He scanned me up and down and for some reason this made me feel all insecure and uncomfortable. Mrs. Bridge was telling him something about how he better behave and if he causes me any trouble she would have to call his parents. I kinda felt awkward, and then when she left we entered the library. A few students on the computers, and others browsing books. I was given permission to use the "privacy room" for teachers.

We entered the room and I took a seat at the table and he took the seat right next to mine. He scooted it as close he could and I leaned back horrified by how close he was to my face.

"Hi." He said with a smirk on his face.

Upclose I could see his face more clearly...and I could understand why girls found him attractive. His eyes were a unique mixture of brown and green. He had a nice smile that displayed his dimples and he smelled like mint. I liked it. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I hadn't even introduced myself. I scooted my chair away and tucked a few loose strands of hair behind my ears. "Hi, My name's Vallery... nice to meet you." I looked down at the papers on the table, not wanting to look into his eyes.

"I'd introduce myself too, but I'm pretty sure you know who I am." He said as he stretched and placed his feet on the table with his hands behind his neck. Someone is full of himself.

"Yeah... So I understand you need some help in math, correct?" I put on my professional mode, and stood up neatly stacking papers on the table.

"Yeah about that, you see I don't need help I just don't do any work which is why I'm failing but I understand it. I mean I tried explaining that to that witch but she wouldnt listen, soooo here i am."

"Well I dont see how one could possibly understand if they do no work." I placed my hands on my hips, I don't like his "I'm-too-cool-for-this" attitude.

"You have nice legs. Wear some shorts or skirts, although I perfer skirts, its easier to... well thats a different story." He gave me a sexy smile and winked. I could feel my cheeks burning, and I could tell he was enjoying my reaction. This bitch. I sat back down not sure of what to say. So I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Well Mr. Smarty Pants, if you know the material then I'm sure you wouldn't mind doing these easy worksheets. In fact, you'll probably fly right through them!" I gave him my dazzling smile and handed him the papers. There take that one.

"I don't want to, nor do I need to do these papers to prove my intelligence." He said calmly and slid the papers back to me.

"Well it's gotta get done and I'm not going to take no for an answer." I slid the papers back to him. Two can play this game.

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