|Chapter 2|

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When I first came to this school I was all anyone talked about. You know I was that freak that didn't talk. But everyone has moved on, which I am thankful for. Now no one knows I exist and I'm a sophomore in 10th grade.

My first class is math. I sit in my usual seat in the back right corner. I used to dread this class because since my grades were so good I was always called on. When I didn't answer any of his questions and a student told him I was mute, he finally shut up. So now I enjoy this class, the simple work keeps my mind off the car crash.

After two other classes it was time for lunch. I sat by myself at a table of the far left side of the room. I hate lunch all there is to do is think about is the car crash. I sat at my table with a few tears slipping down my face. While brushing them away I get up and throw my plate away. After throwing everything away, I walk to the library. The library is where I usually go for the rest of lunch. 

Reading is one of my favorite things to do it gives me a chance to go to a different world that better than mine. If its not better than mine, at least its not mine. I look through the books for the rest of lunch. The bell rings signaling that its time for our five minute passing period. I go to my locker and start getting my books for Science. I to the Science room and sit down. The teacher comes in with a new student.

"Hello class, today we have a new student," says Mr. Conner.

The student introduced herself, but I wasn't listening. I was wondering why she came in the middle of the school year. She came and sat down next to me.

"So what are we learning," she asks me.

Immediately everyone rushed to tell her all about how I'm mute and where my family is. I scribble out the words "Can I go to the restroom?" on a piece of paper. I get up and give it to Mr.Conner. He nods and I hurry out of there and to the restroom. I lean my back against the wall and begin sobbing silently. I slide down the wall sobbing and sobbing because all I could think of is how my parents and brother are dead and how I should be also.

After awhile I get up and go to the mirror to wash my face and rush out of there before the next passing period. Now what. I really don't want to go back to class. I made the quick decision to hide in the janitors closet and wait until the passing period is over.

Once its over I  open the door a little and peek out. No one is here. Good. What should I do; I can't leave cause my uncle drove me to school and the library is closed. I would walk home but I don't feel like it. So I close the door and turn my back to face it. I sit down and lean onto the door. I pull out my phone and play games. After awhile I'm so tired from the lack of sleep I got last night and I just can't  take it anymore. I set an alarm for 15 minutes after school ends and drift off to a peaceful sleep; a kind of sleep I am in need of.

Rinnnnnngggggg rinnngg I jump awake. While turning off my alarm I stand up. I peek out the door and no one is in the hallway. I open the door and go out the doors to see my uncle waiting in front of the school. I walk to the car and hop in. After about five minutes I type on my phone "Can I go to Starbucks?" and shove it towards my uncle. 

"What child?" he asks. I motion down to my phone. "Oh your still doing that mute thing. Sure but I'm going on a date so you'll have to walk home." I nod.

When he stops in front of Starbucks and I jump out of the car. My uncle is the only person I let drive me places. Even though I have a car I don't drive. I walk into Starbucks and type my order on my phone. When its my turn I show the lady my phone and she says "Coming right up.". I go and sit down. When I get my order I eat my cookie and grab my coffee. Sipping on my coffee on the way home. When I get home I see that my uncle's car isn't in the driveway.

I walk up to the door sighing in my head. Yup just another day in the life of Abigail Robinson.


Hey guys this is the first chapter I've done in this book. Do you like the book so far? I hope so. Please follow my other account gracexoxo123 and read the book I'm writing. It's named She's Broken! Comment, Vote, Fan, and all the good stuff. Byeeeeeeee



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