Hard Knock

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Alex p.o.v

It was 12:00 pm. I obviously couldn't sleep. It was like I was paralised, I mean what could I do? Call her up? No! She clearly never loved me anyway. I hope she'll have fun with Jordan and live happily ever after! I looked around the room, I had nobody to speak to... my only friends were MDE but I feel like if I speak to them I'll just be really lame 'coz I'll be speaking about deep stuff. When Kyle and Johnnie broke up Johnnie came to speak to me about it, maybe I could come to him, maybe that'll be stupid though. Maybe I should just end all of this? Maybe.... I opened my laptop and checked if she contacted me. She didn't. Then I tweeted ' who needs love when you have MDE! '      I put on some PTV and started checking my emails. It was Wednesday tomorrow so I had to make a video, I really didn't want to. I went to the bathroom and washed my makeup off and got my notebook. My mind was blank, I woke up the next day at Johnnie's.


' I'M SORRY! OK?! ' I yelled back. ' I didn't think you would've liked it if I talked about deep stuff. ' I said, making my words slower and more silent each time. ' How did you find out? '

' Twitter, that's how! ' he snapped, still clearly angry. I scrambled to my legs and he helped me up. We looked at each other for a while and I hugged him, he hugged me back and said ' Please don't keep secrets from me. ' I started crying and nodded. I looked around, I always admires Johnnie's place it was cute and cosy. ' How in Satan's name did I get here? '

' As soon as I heard what happened I came to yours. The door was open. ' He started chuckling. ' You were sleeping on a chair with a notebook! It was histerical! '

' Well someone's definitely not a stalker... ' We both burst out laughing. I only just realised I forgot all about Shannon. I don't even think I really should've dated her. She'll probably hate me now and the whole of MDE will be against me apart from Johnnie. Oh johnnie, he doesn't realise what a fool he is for being friends with me. He deserves better than me. Once he told me about the tweet we watched AHS. We always watch AHS. It always makes us happy! ;-) He paused the programme and suggested we should call Shannon. I stared at him as if asking him if he was serious.

' Maybe we can sort it out... ' He seemed so sweet trying to fix my problems.

' Johnnie, Why waste my breath? What would I say to her anyway? OH I KNOW!!!! ' I announced. ' Hey Shannon, I just wanted to say, I hope you'll have loads of children who will grow up to be pieces of shit like you! Love, your best friend. '

Johnnie smirked, I shrugged. ' Hey. Wanna make a video together? ' He asked. I seemed a bit unsure about it.

' what'll we do? ' I asked. Johnnie grunted.

' I dunno... Want to truth or dare? '

I glared at him. He blushed. ' I know you don't trust me but we got no other ideas. '

' FFIIIIINE! ' I whined. We invited  Kyle and Bryan over to help us make it. When they got here Me and Johnnie went back home to get my makeup bag and then came back. When everything was set up and we were ready, Johnnie shouted ' Wait! '  He rushed to Kyle and whispered in his ear, I didn't really care. He was probably flirting with Kyle. Kyle nodded and Johnnie sat back down. The video started and it flowed quickly until It was Johnnie's go and it was a dare, Kyle showed a piece of paper to the camera, it was really confusing.

Johnnie's P.O.V

Before the video I whispered to Kyle. ' I'm not quite sure if anybody commented the dare but when it's my go can I kiss Alex? please pretend it's just a dare. ' He smirked first and then he nodded. I always liked Alex and when I found out she broke up with Shannon I freaked. I know she doesn't like me back though. Only as a friend. Always only as a friend, Kyle knew about my crush on her. That's the secret reason why we broke up. We made it seem like Kyle liked Meg. It's true but that's not the reason why we broke up. Alex made her intro and I could feel sweat on my forehead, I told myself to forget about the kiss but I couldn't. I carried on with the video. Until we got to the part...

Alex P.O.V

I couldn't trust neither Johnnie or Kyle right now... I felt it was something about Shannon and I was about to cry. Then Johnnie told me what it was and I relaxed. It was just a kiss, me and Johnnie kissed many times... Not on the lips but that still counts. I blushed but when our lips connected it felt amazing, Johnnie's my best friend. I didn't know he kisses so well. It all happened so fast but it felt like magic. A lot of people ship Johlex. Should it be a thing? Does Johnnie have a crush on me?! My head swirled, I managed to sustain it until the video was over. He glanced at me then looked down at the floor.

' Johnnie- ' I started. He didn't look up. I touched him lightly on his shoulder his head raised up and- and I kissed him. I questioned the idea and the next thing I know our lips connected again. It felt even more perfect. It felt more reassuring. It felt more comfortable. Once we broke away I had a moment to think.

Authors note:

Yo! Sorry if this was too short. It's my first fanfiction and I didn't know what to right yet. Thanks for reading though and hope you ship Johlex.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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