The Party

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     I got back home and started thinking. Okay Alley, its ok! breathe! get your house ready for a party! i started paniking, even though my dad always had beer and other Luqure i was scared who that guy was! 

People were already coming, bringing beer and such. It wasnt long till i was dancing on top of some random guy. I walked into the Kitchen and drank a few shots and some Beer. I was a mess. Later on i woke up in me bed. fully clothed...In my pajamas..."Wa?" was all i could mumble till i noticed my raging head ech.

"Morning Cutie." Said some guy... WHO THE FUCK WAS THIS 'SOME GUY' i yelled over and over in my head. 

"who are you, why are you here, why am i wher-"

"Your cuter when your baffeled by a hot shirtless guy in your room....You didnt care about that last night." he threw a wink. Bitch interupted me. I was mad.

"G-G-Get out!" i yelled. In my head....he sat on my head and scratched behing his neck. 

"Look, im sorry if you dont remember me Alex, but im Zayn....I kinda slept with you last night and..Im sorry." SLEPT WITH ME!?!?! "But you were alot of fun...heh....but id much rather get to know you better.

"You wore a condom right?" i was on the pill anyway so it wasnt that bad...but still! he didnt know that!

"Well duh. but i saw your pill cases so were in the clear." my eyes widend. he chuckled and kissed my head. "Even cuter embarassed. i grabbed my phone and texted Kyle...

"Hey babe whats up?" He texted. 

"Im sorry but....we need to break up."

"Why????" he tried calling. i ignored him.

"Because i cheated and you dont dasearve me and i need some time to myself." I was scared.


"No, Not at all." he stopped texting. "im sorry." i texted again.

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