"Liz I'm sorry for what dad did and I wish I did something to stop him. Just understand that I'm here now and I want to be apart of your life. You can take your time, as long as you want just know I'm here for you little Sis."

I hugged him.

He slightly stiffed from shock but soon he relaxed and hugged me back.

I pulled back and smiled at him. I missed my older brother.

"Y'all good now?". Mo asked. We both looked at her. I nodded.

"Yeah we're good."

I went and sat next to Adam again, his strong arms wrapping around me.

Mo sat next to David and held one of his hands.

"Now baby boy tell me, who is she?", Mo asked with a small smile. David gave her a confused look but he was blushing.

Mo laughed,"Boy you just admitted there was a girl. Now spill."

I laughed as David's ear turned dark pink.

"Well her name is Summer", David said simply.

Mo raised and eyebrow,"And..?"

My brother smiled as his eyes glazed over,"Well she's beautiful really. She works with me in New York. She's hilarious and different."

"Is she your mate?", I asked. David nodded.

"Yeah she is and I couldn't ask for anyone better."

I couldn't help but say "awww".

That was adorable. I could tell he really loved her.

"Well where she?", Mo asked.

David's eyes changed from happiness to sadness.

"Uh well she's human," He explained.

Oh. That wasn't good. Usually human mates reject their mate.

"Are you planning to tell her? About being a werewolf and all?", I asked.

"Yes and no."

Mo looked at my brother weird,"Yes and no? Boy what the hell does that mean?"

David sighed heavily. "She says she doesn't want to get into a real relationship anytime soon. But the thing is we act although we're a couple but she says we're just friends."

"That girl need ta make up her mind now," Mo muttered.

David shrugged. "I don't care as long as I'm in her life I'll be fine."

"You run your daddy's pack?", Mo asked. My brother nodded.

"I look over it during the winter then for summer time I give it to my Beta sock could go to New York."

"New York?", I asked, confused.

"Yeah um I'm a musician during the summer.",

"Wow.", I said, impressed.

"He's really good," Adam said, smiling.

"So when can I hear something?", I asked. David blushed.

"When it's on the radio little Sis, when it's on the radio. "


After a little more catching up, Adam and I left to the movies. Mo did the evil eye, making us swear to not do nothing we'll regret. Both of us blushing, we agreed.

The movie was fun.

Adam and I held hands and all that cute stuff. He would shut up though, not that I minded. Adam would whisper what the actors were saying in my ear, making me blush.

We left the movies laughing.

You see, we were kinda kicked out because we were to loud but I didn't mind. My mate and I just played at the arcade for an hour.

Having a big stuff platypus that Adam won me in one hand, I held his hand with the other. He dropped me off, kissing me on the cheek. I told him I wanted my first kiss to be special and he understood, vowing to make it worth it.

I walked into the house smiling like an idiot. Mo and David where waiting for me in the living room.

"You two kiss?", Mo asked once I sat down. I blushed, shaking my head.

"You two held hands?", David asked. I nodded. He growled.

"He's a dead man! Who does he think he is? Holding my little sister's hand-"

"David!', I interrupted,"Stop! We went on a date so of course we held hands!"

"Fine. Well goodnight", David muttered. I smiled and kissed him and Mo on the cheek.

"Goodnight overly protective family!", I yelled over my shoulder.

They both growled, making me laugh.

A/N: sorry if it sucked, I've been busy. Parents suck sometimes. Check out my other story, TWINS.Well comment and vote and stuff.

Bye... For now.

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