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Icarus fell in love with the sky.
He admired the birds and
painted his skin the colors of the sun.
He dreamed of kissing the clouds.

Icarus collected feathers.
He breathed in the ocean and
sung to the stars until his mind
was black and blue with love. 

The Universe called to Icarus.
The stars wanted to hold his hands,
but his feet only touched the ground.
Icarus smiled like the sun behind lonely clouds. 

Icarus fashioned wings out of hopes and dreams.
He kissed the ocean and hugged the sun,
but Icarus was no bird.
The ocean sang a soft lullaby to his dying body. 

The Universe wept for Icarus, but moved on.
The sky reclaimed his soul and the Earth took his heart.
She sings to him softly as seasons melt. 

Icarus fell in love with the sky,
and in life and in death,
held hands with the stars.

Planet Return TripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora