Enemies and Rumors...

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Age 9

Chapter 2

On The Blacktop...

"Dude, Rahart did you hear the rumor going around?" Rahart heard a voice behind him. He turned around to see his 2 best friends Tyler and Liam. (1)

"Hey, Tyler. Hey, Liam. What's going on?" He asked.

"People are spreading the rumor that you and Paola are dating. Since you two are so close." Liam said. Rahart's smile instantly went down and the word 'dating'.

"Why can't I have Paola as my best friend and keep it that way? I mean you guys understand how close we are but still why I can't have her as just my best friend." Rahart sat down on one of the benches. "Ever since Paola slept over at my house when we were 7, my mom and her dad were both convinced that we would fall in love and both of us were disgusted." Tyler sat on his right side while Liam sat on his left.

"Dude, don't worry besides it's just a rumor. It's not going to come true right now." Liam said. Rahart smiled at him and parted Liam and Tyler's backs.

"Thanks guys, you are the greatest friends a guy can ask for. Well, actually second greatest friends. Sorry guys, Paola has the number one spot but you guys are a close second place." Rahart smiled while Tyler and Liam laugh at his comment.

"Well, at least we are in the top 3." Tyler laughs.

Meanwhile on the Playground...

Paola received the same news by her two best friends, Daniela and Paris. (2)

"Are you kidding me? This sick cruel joke again?!" Paola groaned. She climbed across the monkey bars and dropped on her feet next to them. "Why are people assuming this again?!"

"Wait, so this isn't the first time?" Daniela asked confused.

"No, Dani. (3) This happened when we were seven and I had to sleep over at his house. His mom and my dad were convinced that we would fall in love." Paola groaned once again.

"Well, it's not like people couldn't think of the thought." Paris said.

"Paris, whose side are you on?" Paola asked annoyed.

"Pao, I'm on your side always but how can people not look at you guys and think that you 2 are not dating?" She said. Daniela and Paola both nodded their heads.

"I know but, I am just so mad that people think that just because I have a guy as my best friend doesn't mean that I am instantly dating Rahart. Besides, me and Rahart promised to not fall in love with each other." Daniela and Paris stare in utter disbelief.

"Wow, that's how against the fact of you two dating alright." Paris said.

"You two are really against this feeling. And I am on your side for god know how long." Daniela said with a smile. Paola pulls both of her friends in a hug.

"Thanks guys. I you guys are the second greatest friends in the whole world." Paola smiled.

"Let me guess, we are a close second and Rahart has the number one spot?" Paris asked.

"Yep. But you guys are in the top 3. And you understand me." They all hug back and soon after they notice Rahart, Tyler, and Liam walking over to them. Paola, Daniela, and Paris walk up to them.

"Hey guys." Daniela said. All the boys smile at them.

"So, Pao. Did you hear the rumor?" Liam asked. Paola nods her head.

"Yep. But, I won't let it change our friendship, Hart. I tend to keep our friendship like that way." She smiles directly at Rahart. He gladly returns the smile.

"Oh, no. Look who is coming towards us." Paris and Tyler say at the same time. The 6 group of friends turn to see Nick and Elizabeth, the 2 most popular kids in the 4th grade. They think the world revolves around them. (3)

"Well, well, well. If isn't the group of 6 losers." Elizabeth scoffs. Paola rolls her eyes, meanwhile Daniela sends them a death glare.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the wicked witch and wizard of the west. What brings you here even though nobody asked you to be here?" Daniela said annoyed. If anyone could ruin their day, it had to be those 2.

"Well, we just came to warn these 2." Nick points towards Paola and Rahart. Rahart steps towards Nick.

"And why would we be afraid of you 2 out of all people?" He asked annoyed.

"Because, we are popular and one rumor could ruin your reputation in a snap. So, I'd watch your backs and stop dating." After the word 'dating', Paola snapped and walk up to Elizabeth until she was face to face with her.

"Listen here. I am not afraid of you nor should I be in anyway possible. And Rahart and I were never dating in the first place so leave us alone because I am so close to tackling you to the ground right now and I don't care who sees us." Paola angrily said.

"Let's go, Nick. I don't like seeing their faces." Elizabeth said while grabbing Nick's hand and both of them walking away from the group of friends.

"Sometimes, I just want rip both of their heads off their bodies." Daniela said annoyed.

"You and me both Dani. You and me both, Dani." Tyler said cracking his knuckles.

"But, let's just forget about them and continue playing together. They should be the least of our problems right now." Rahart said surprisingly calm. The group nodded in silence until:

"Last one to the swings is a rotten egg." Paris said fast. Paris, Liam, Tyler, and Daniela run fast to the swings leaving Rahart and Paola alone.

"Are you okay?" Rahart asked concerned.

"A little bit, but they always seem to ruin everything. Haven't they done enough already?" Paola asked. Rahart pulls Paola into a hug.

"Don't worry about them, let's just have fun. They are waiting for us." Rahart smiled and Paola smiled back.

"Race you!" Paola yelled. Soon after, she ran quickly to the swings. And behind her was her best friend who was chuckling and running after her. They had a friendship when they counted on each other in anyway possible. Seems like nothing could change that.

(1) Yes, I am using Tyler Alvaraz and Liam Obergfoll.

(2) I am also using Paris Smith and Daniela Nieves too.

(3) I actually like Nick Merico and Elizabeth Elias. I think they are good actors even though I am a 'Jemma and Raola fan. So, this is fake and I like them both.

*So, I guess that's it for now until next time.*

HappyMila >>> HMStarHalston

It Had To Be My Best Friend (Book 1: Raola AU) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now