The Build Up

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It started back in 2008, during the presidental elections, David Jefferson-Adams was running against Barack Obama, and we all know how that ended. The tie vote that resulted in Jefferson-Adams being elected was the tipping point for mass protest around the United States, basically everyone was pissed. The government became worried about the danger that the president could be in, and martial law was declared in Washington D.C, conveniently possible due to the Homeland Security Act. The end of the presidents first term in office was coming to an end and in early 2012 the Supreme Court secretly decided that David Jefferson-Adams would be the next president no matter what happened, but a mock election would still be held, like how fucked is that?

So the votes have been 'counted' and now it is the morning of inauguration day, where surprise surprise we welcome David Jefferson-Adams as our beloved president, don't expect things to get any better

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