In beside her, and wrapped himself around her. She took his hands in his, but all she could feel was warmth from her belly and Adam. "Adam"

She whispered, and fell asleep.

Adam trudged in the apartment wanting to collapse. He went into the kitchen, grabbed a flask, and chugged the contents. He

Already drank someone on the field, but he vomited at the mere thought. As he drank, he looked around the apartment. Instead of weeping,

He raged. He tore through everything, ripping through furniture, throwing this, tossing that, cursing, then he fell into the bed. What to do?

He knew Azrael would be around soon. The point was he did not want to see her right now, if ever. In a rush of thought, Adam, undressed,

And jumped in the shower. He wept a little for his Eve, but he felt a tingling sensation through his whole body. A warmth, a connection of the

Soul. His manhood was standing at attention.....for her.....his Angel. Here he is mourning his Eve, and he is crying out for Azrael. He tried to

Will it back down, but it wouldn't work. He needed her, desired her, and wanted her. There was only one thing to do. He took his hand and gently

Stroked his shaft slowly, imagining her tight, wet folds. Quickening his pace some, he could picture her surrendering to him, getting wetter

With each thrust. It didn't take long, for him to spasm, then orgasm. He just wished it was within her. Oh God! I do love her! This can't happen

Now, it's too soon. I can't....

Adam dressed, grabbed his bags and packed his most personal belongings. He would get in touch with his landlord about the other

Stuff later. Going to his desk he grabbed a pen and paper, he sat down, writing Azrael his thoughts and goodbyes.

Nausea hit Azrael like a thunderbolt the next morning. She ran down the hallway to the bathroom, and narrowly missed the toilet.

She swore she saw her shoes come up. She washed her face in the sink and rinsed out her mouth. Looking at herself in the mirror, she noticed a

Shiny glow in her face. Uh oh! Anthony had already gone she noticed, but he had fixed her breakfast, with a rose and a loving message. She

Smiled and ate most of it. She was surprised that she was in a halfway decent mood, but her mood darkened when she began to think of

Adam. She must go see him today, and see how he is holding up. Comfort was what they needed most today.

Azrael dressed and made her way over to Adam's home. She knew he would probably be in his Dead Sleep, but what would it hurt

For her to cuddle up to him. He would like that. She opened the door and went in. She was surprised that all was dark. Flipping the light on,

She saw that there was minimal furniture left.

"What the HELL?" Azrael exclaimed.

Running upstairs she saw that it too was empty of all things Adam. No bed, no clothes, no guitars, no studio, no...Nothing! The door

Creaked behind her. She whirled around. A man was standing behind her.

"'Scouse I miss. Would you be looking for Mr. Adam?" he asked her.

"Yes. I am." Azrael answered. "What happened here?"

"'e left miss last night." the man replied. "'He said a woman might be around looking for 'imp. Says I'm to give 'err this."

He hands her the envelope, and toddles off, quickly with a raise of his hat. Azrael shuts the front door, and sits on the step. Adam

Left. He just left. She begins to feel nauseated again. How could he just leave like that? She knows he lost Eve, his love, but they could talk it

Out. That is what she was there for. Oh my God! I do love him! Oh my Adam....she was wracked with sobs. She opened the letter, even though

She already knew what it said.

Azrael, my Angel, my Love,

By the time you read this I will be gone. Please do me a favour and just let me go.

Do not try and find me. Live your life the way it was intended. Go back to the Council

And reason with them, they may understand.

I want you to know that I blamed you at first for Eve's death, but I know now, that it was not

At your hand. The one who did this will pay, I assure you.

I also want you to know that there are no regrets for any of the time that we have spent together

Or any of the love we have made.

You are very precious to me, Azrael, but I cannot indulge in this at this time.

I do not know if ever I can.

Just know that I love you very much, my dearest Angel.

Love, your Adam

With that Azrael stood up in tears, but nausea and weakness took over, all went black for her. Azrael tumbled down the stairs and

Laid motionless in front of Adam's home.

(Sorry it took so long)

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