She loved him and she was finding fewer reasons every second to justify her fears of falling for him. She didn't know if he loved her but she suspected that he did. One of her foster mothers had once told her that you know you're in love when you are able to let go all of your fears and wounds from the past and just fall.

She took a deep breath and nodded at herself in the mirror. She was ready to fall. She pulled on one of Bradley's oversized t-shirts and his bathrobe which was flannel of course and she walked out of the bathroom. Butterflies attacked her stomach as she walked through the living room and toward the door to his room.

The door was closed and she took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves and opened it slowly. She looked through the darkness and could see him lying on the bed. She could tell by his steady breathing that he was asleep. He groaned and rolled onto his side and Isabelle nearly lost her nerve and ran from the room but stopped herself. She did not want to be afraid. She was ready to take the leap and she wanted to take it with Bradley.

She pulled of the robe and dropped it on the floor before tip toeing over to the bed. She climbed into the bed beside him and just laid there in the darkness trying to build up her nerve to wake him up. She nearly screamed when his voice filled the silence.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" he asked gently.

"Yes." Isabelle replied. Bradley realized she was shaking and he thought she was cold so he pulled the blanket tighter around her and pulled her body closer to his.

"I really want to tell you something, Isabelle, but I'm afraid of what your reaction will be." They were both lying on their sides with the fronts of their bodies pressed together. Isabelle looked into his eyes. His face was lit up by the moonlight coming through the window and she could tell that he looked nervous. He looked almost as nervous as she felt.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. You're a big tough marine." she teased trying to ease her own nervousness.

"I've uh.. I've never said this to a woman before." he said and Isabelle felt her breath catch in her throat.

"What?" she asked her voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you, Isabelle." Isabelle could hear that same quiet confidence behind his words. That same conviction in his voice that was always there when he spoke to her and she felt tears gathering in her eyes. She didn't even try to fight them as they rolled down her cheeks. He loved her. And if that wasn't' shocking enough… She believed him. She trusted him and she had faith in him. Trust and faith. Two things she thought she would never be able to have in another person again.

"I love you too Bradley." she said as he wiped away some of her tears with his thumb. "Long before I knew who you were, your voice got me through some really tough times. Now I know you. The real you and you are an amazing man. You have taken me and my daughter in without asking a single thing from either one of us and you will never know exactly how much you have changed me… How much you've healed me in just the short time I've known you." Bradley did not know what to say. He was good with a pen and paper and writing songs that made people believe in the power of love but actually saying words out loud was not something he was very good at.

So he decided not to speak. Instead he pressed his lips against hers. The kiss started slow and gentle but within seconds they both gave in to the flames that were building inside of them and the kiss turned hungry. Desperate. Passionate. Bradley ran his hand down her long, smooth bare leg and moved his lips to her neck. She threw her head back and moaned and he smiled.

There was that passion he had sensed the first time he'd kissed her. He sat up and pulled her up with him. She lifted her hands above her head and he slid his t-shirt over her head and threw it in the corner. He stared at her beautiful body and felt a passionate desire like he had never felt before. He laid her back down on the bed and moved his body over hers.

Isabelle had never felt anything like what she was feeling right now. Bradley was six feet of muscle and man as he braced himself over her and laid hungry kisses to her neck and collarbone. She shivered as he moved his lips lower and hungrily kissed her breasts causing her to moan and squirm beneath him. She wanted more. So much more.

She reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He raised off of her just enough so she could slide his shirt off of him and then he moved his lips back to hers as he slipped off his flannel pants.

The sounds of their moans got tangled in the air as they hungrily explored each others bodies with hand and mouths. And when Bradley finally made love to her it was long and it was slow and Isabelle felt a tear slip down her cheek. Never before had a man made love to her like this.

"Are you okay?" Bradley asked gently as they lay spent in each others arms. Isabelle snuggled deeper into the comfort of his arm wrapped tight around her and kissed his bare chest.

"I have never been better." she replied honestly as she ran her fingers through the light dusting of blond hair that led from his chest down his hard stomach.

"Me either." he said kissing her auburn hair. "I meant what I said, Isabelle. I know that it's fast but I love you."

Isabelle propped herself up on her elbow and looked into his eyes.

"Aren't you the one that told me that just because it's fast doesn't mean it's wrong?" Bradley smiled and kissed her tiny nose.

"Yes I believe I was." he said and then he laughed when she yawned loudly.

"You're so cute when you're tired. I don't think I've ever met anyone that yawns as loud as you." Isabelle blushed and slapped his bare stomach gently.

"You're so charming." she said. " What pretty love words does the great Brad Thompson who writes love songs that makes women cry, say after making love? None. He insults his woman." Bradley laughed.

"I didn't insult you! I said it was cute." he argued. Isabelle gave him one hard quick kiss and then laid her head back on his chest.

"I want to talk to you about what we talked about on the couch earlier." she said. Bradley started twirling her hair around his finger.


"I trust you." she said and Bradley knew those words were even more important and meant more then the 'I love you' she had said earlier. For Isabelle to put aside all her doubts and fears and wounds from the past and trust him made him feel so humble and grateful. Her trust was a treasure and he was going to make sure she never regretted giving it to him.

"Thank you." he said kissing her hair.

"When should I call them?" she asked.

"I'll do it for you. Just give me their number and I'll set it all up. I told you I have a plan Isabelle. I won't let them hurt you anymore. I protect what's mine." Isabelle couldn't help but smile at the possessive tone in his voice.

"I know you won't let them hurt me." she said. "You're mine and Sara's own personal knight in shining armor. Isn't that what you told her?" She heard him smile.

"Yea, sweetheart, that's what I told her." he replied. "But please don't expect me to never screw up. I'm not perfect." he warned.

"You seem pretty darn perfect to me." Isabelle said honestly and Bradley shook his head.

"No, I am not perfect. I guarantee there are going to be days that I am late for dinner because I just can't drive past the fishing hole without stopping. There are going to be times when you scream in the middle of the night because I've left the toilet seat up and you get your cute little butt wet. I am horrible with birthdays, dates and appointments. I am possessive and jealous at times and I cuss a lot when I get mad."

"Are you trying to scare me away?" Isabelle teased. "Because I am not going anywhere."

"I wouldn't let you go anyway." he replied matter of factly and then he chuckled when she yawned again. "Get some sleep, sweetheart." Isabelle nodded. She had to get up in about five hours and go to work. She had a feeling tomorrow was going to be a major coffee day.

"I love you, Bradley." she said as she snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too, sweetheart." he said wrapping his arm tighter around her. She fell asleep listening to the steady beat of his heart.

Country Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें