Always Yours

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Happy, thats what mila was . Was being the key word.

Having a good family , An amazing pack , Bestfriends like sisters and good grades with the full potential to make a great pack doctor. What more could she want. Well ofcourse she dreamed of the day she would find her mate. That to mila was all she needed to make her life compleat. 

But the phrase you can't have every thing in life seems to fit for mila because that moment she dreamed of, to make her life compleat didn't go the way she planed. For her it wouldn't have mattered what status her mate was as long as he loved her like she knew she would love him.

Well as for status alpha of the rouge pack ,which as the name suggests was a rouge pack but had recently been granted permision to be a pack. It wasn't what she had imagined for her future but again anything for her mate. unfortunatly her mate didn't have the same views and for reasons unkown to mila her mate did the unthinkable rapeing her then leaving her alone in the forest. Not rejected but not accepted.

If those feelings weren't enough as usual for mated couples mila was pregnant, with only her two bestfriends knowing the truth her parents asumed the worst of mila and threw her out of there house and out of the pack , as her father was the alpha. 

Life for mila went from only wanting one thing to having almost nothing, Feelings of hate against her mate, anger at her parents for not even asking her story before asuming things and love, love for her two best friends who stand beside her, love for her unborn pup.

So thrown out of her pack mila left with her two best friends , trying to give her pup the best life and they succed. Her baby has the best mom she could hope for along with two rock star aunties. What they weren't bargaining for was to stumble upon a pack. For them to welcome her and her small family.

Of course for mila it would seem nothing would stay simple , Her new pack having to answer a distress call, But for which Pack? And what will happen when mila will have the chance for revenge or to forgive? 

So this is my third book on wattpad , Its's great when i get comments because i'm always unsure what people think of my work. Hope you like it 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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