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I stand there watching. He's standing right there, what should I do?

"Alli!" my best friend Lidia calls, breaking me from my trance. "There you are! You having a good time!?" 

I smile widely grateful for the the distraction, "Yea, what about you, the DJ's got some awesome songs going!" We chat a bit over the dance, laughing at how lame the slow dances are. So, of course that's when the slow dance starts. 

"Oh my gosh! He's coming over here!" She grabs me, secretly pointing. 

"I keep telling you, don't touch me, I really don't like it." I turn and my heart jumps into my throat. It was him, Brent, coming this was.

I get why everyone likes him, he's really loud and confident and just friends with everyone, even though he might be considered annoying at times by some. But his confidence made it alright I guess.

"Do you think he'll as me to dance? That would be so amazing! Do you think he likes me?" 

"He likes everyone! He's Brent!" I argue trying not to show my nerves.

"Yea but he's always flirting with me."

"Exactly, he's Brent." I say laughing.

"Hey Lidia, Alli." Brent says nodding to us both, I try to maintain steady breaths as I smiled at him back.

"Would you like to dance?" Brent asks towards Lidia.

"I'd love too!" Lidia agrees excited.

I let out a sign as they walk a few feet away to dance, well, I thought to myself, I've been abandoned by Lidia now what? I didn't even like the song that was being played.

I decided to wonder over to the refreshment table. 

After that dance a squeal from behind makes me tense up and an excited Lidia bounces on me hugging me. "Oh my gosh that was so much fun! Did you dance with anyone?"

"No." I reply shortly. "And don't touch me!"

"That's awful!, who do you want to dance with?"

"Honestly? No one." I say looking around at all the kids standing around.

"Well at least come dance to these songs with me!" She begs.

"I don't like this song!" I reply loudly, as the music is at an extremely loud interval.

"How can you not like this song? Its been top 40 for the past month!"

"Exactly!" I yell.


"I said exactly!"

"Oh." The song moved onto the next one then.

"But I love this song!" I screamed excited. "This is my life motto! My anthem! My theme!"

We ran out to the dance floor then dancing our hearts out, screaming the lyrics as hard as we could.


By far my favorite song ever! Good Charlotte was a fabulous band really, they knew what was up.

Lidia and I, along with the rest of our circle, rocked out to all the songs, half way through one of the songs though Brent joined my group, everyone was happy to see him. I almost froze.

Just a few months ago I had somehow wound up at a party with the kids from school it was a lot of fun, lots of kids there and stuff and we where all hanging out and having a great time. 

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