Chapter 3: Mighty med

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The next day after school I followed Kaz, Oliver, and Connie. When they got to the destination she found out that it was a hospital.
"A hospital?" I said quietly.
" did you guys hear something?" Oliver said.
"No" Connie said
As they got into the hospital I saw them go into a room. Then they came out 10 minutes later. They were wearing casts and slings. When all of the sudden they went into a janitors closet. I wondered why they did that. After a while I got tired of waiting so I got a fake cast too them went in.
When I went in there I saw nothing so I decided to try and get out but I tripped on a broom and pulled a plunger. I turned around and I saw a blue glowing thing. I've seen the logo before so I knew it and put it together.

When I saw a button I pressed it and a few seconds later the door opened. It was a whole new world in here.

"Wow so super Herod are real?" I said.

As soon as I was finished saying that I saw Oliver and Kaz. With a doctor. They were both wearing lab coats. I thought they must work here. But I saw them shoot something. It was coming towards me uh oh. ZAP! I was down on the floor hurt and feeling weird. Oliver and Kaz came over to me but, then fell asleep.

A few hours later which felt like minutes I woke up. I was in a gurney and saw the doctor in my face.
"No don't freak out! It's just me."
I was hyperventilating then laid back down.
" I feel weird" I said.
" it's all right I will take care of you. You just got hit really hard. It'll be a little bit before you get out of bed. They have to do some tests on you."
"Ok" I said nervously.

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