Mission Event 2!

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The chitari have been told not to mess with Earth. Now there is a new mission that SHIELD has cooked up for the heroes.
I wish SHIELD would cook up something good like fried chicken...


Black Cat has stolen the Tablet of Time from SHIELD and we have tracked her down. Agents got her to talk and said that she has sold it to the boss who paid for her to do the job: The Kingpin.

We don't know why Kingpin has gotten the Tablet or why he wants it but we need to get it back before something goes wrong. Sneak into Kingpin's Tower and fight off the security. SHIELD overview states that The Hand Ninjas with their main members: Elektra, Typhoid Mary and Bullseye are defending and patrolling the tower for any intruders. Stealth will be your friend here.

We will all meet up at the roof top across from Kingpin's Tower.

Daredevil (anybody wanna roleplay as him because I'm pretty sure I'm going to mess it up)  will be waiting to give you agents more information. Black Cat will also be there, because we paid her double to tell you what to expect inside Get to it agents

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