Artax, the neverending story

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Who knew so many died in a film meant for 10 year olds? Who knew that this would occur? Dunno, but here it is. Thank katz41 for this, they sent it in. THANK YOU AND YOUR AMAZINGNESS, KATZ41!

Death: Drowning in the Swamps of Sadness

Facts: He was Atreyu's horse, and though that other guy who gave him the Auryn, and said he must go alone, Atreyu took Artax.

My POV: My opinion on this one is really confusing. I don't know if it was THAT SAD (since my dad spoiled before I watched the scene at age 9), but it was sad. I guess, if I were Atreyu, I would be spazzing out and stuff, but I don't know.

Sadness: 7-8/10

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