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Steve POV

It was the first day back at school after the long break. Ugh. I hated school. Well, mainly because I have very little friends. I know of a friend, Bruce, but he has his own group of friends too. He's into science and experiments, so he rarely hangs out with me.

My first lesson for today is English with Mrs Olsen. She's a pretty good teacher, excluding the fact that shes pretty. I make my way to the classroom. Woah. The 2 months of no school felt like 2 years. I was having a minor difficulty trying to remember the location of the classrooms.

After minutes of searching, I finally found the class. I stepped in, seeing paper planes and paper balls being thrown all over. It was like a zoo. Only after much ducking of paper planes, I managed to get a seat not too far behind. I put down my bag and took out my books and pencil case, getting ready for lesson.

The students were still behaving like monkeys and acting childish. Oh when will they ever learn to grow up?

I decided to start reading my books first while waiting for Mrs Olsen, rather than wasting my time away. Opening my book, there was a sudden silence and what seemed like students returning back to their seats.

I looked up, and only to find out the reason why. James Buchanan Barnes, the school's most famous bully had enter the class.

He had hair grown touching his shoulders and had piercings. I don't even think that this was allowed in the school. Not forgetting, he was muscular too. Typical characteristics of a school bully. He once punched a kid so badly, the poor kid couldn't come to school for a month. That's the main reason why no one offends James.

Surrounding him was the group of kids called The Gang. Like literally, the gang. They were the cool kids that could hang out with James. They followed him everywhere. Like everywhere. To be honest, I find them stupid. They would agree to everything he says and do anything he asks them to.

Buzzing out of my thoughts, I saw James taking a seat not too far from me. I gulped.

Soon, came walking in with a huge smile flashed across her face was Mrs Olsen. We stood up and greeted her. After greeting, Mrs Olsen told us to open to page 99 and read it up.

-after lesson-

The lesson was over. Everyone made a beeline for the door. I, as usual, was the last to leave. Mrs Olsen was still in class. Seeing my pack my bag and heading for the door, she asked if I had any doubts.

"Certainly not, Mrs Olsen." I replied back with all respect.

"Well done, Rogers. See you tomorrow." She replied back.

I waved good-bye to her and walked out.

Then, I walked to my locker to put my books in. James and the gang was not too far from me. He was trashing someone's bag. And damn, if there was something that I hated so much in this school, it'll absolutely be bullies.

I hated them. Not because I always get picked on due to my small, scrawny body, but I hated the way they treated the students. They would be mean to them, for no reason. I detest those people. To be exact, I hate bullies.

I took a deep breath as I walked towards the locker.

"Hey. Get someone your own size." I confronted James.

James turned to my direction. He released the bag which led to papers falling out. The poor kid immediately grabbed them and ran for his dear life.

"Well, look who do we here." James said, walking towards me.

I took a step back but my eyes still on him.

"Steve...Steve Rogers." I stuttered.

"Hey Steve, who do you think you are to talk to James like that." One of the gang members said. I couldn't be bothered to turn my head to see who said it. But one thing I know for sure, there were students crowding around us. I heard giggling and gasping among them.

"What you did wasn't right." I said, plucking up my courage.

"Oh really?" James said, in a sarcastic tone.

I gulped.

James started walking closer to me.
He took my bag and pulled in down, and in a second, the bag broke.

I stared at it. It was the bag my mum gave it to me 2 years ago. She saved up all her money for it. She rarely bought anything for herself, and being in this school was already a privilege. I clenched my fist as I looked at James.

"Oh no! I'm so afraid of Steve." James mocked.

I walked closer to James and I then punched his face. Hard.

Gasping could be heard.

In shocked, he touched his nose and saw blood. Anger could be seen written all over him as he cracked his knuckles and started punching me. He threw numerous punches. I tried ducking them, but to no avail. I was almost knocked out, but I didn't give up. I punched him once more.

He caught my lame punch, and threw one more at me.

"Ha! Try messing with me." He laughed as the gang turned around and walked away.

Students were still staring and taking pictures but they soon walked away.

My vision was blur. My head was hurting. My stomach felt like it was stabbed a million times. I felt sick.

Then, I knocked out.

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