Shelby Marcus

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Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, the story of a princess has begun with a bed time story. Her kingdom may not be that far away or very much of a kingdom at all, but as her dad treats her like royalty, royalty is what she shall be. 

She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh. If you are falling down, she will be right there to pick you up. She is the one that always says sorry, even if it is not her fault. Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know. This is a girl who is afraid of love, because she has already lost so much. 

This is Shelby Louis Marcus. 

Growing up she was a strong, independent young lady, her dad always complimented her on everything, as did her mom. They were all happy, she lived a normal life. Surprisingly enough, Shelby and her little sister, Kasey, got along great. Shelby and Kasey were only 2 years apart. Shelby was more of a daddy's girl, her and her mom didn't get along as well, they never really argued but they didn't agree on things very often. Setting that aside, they loved each other dearly and never let the other forget it.  

A week after Shelby turned 16 is when she lost control of her life. Everything was going great, she was getting good grades, she was finally in high school, her parents were finally letting her date, everyone was getting along at home, she was playing volleyball and making a ton of new friends at school. Life couldn't get any better. Until it took a turn for the worst. 

On a cold November night, Kasey and her mom were out driving and out of no where comes a drunk driver and smashes into them, someone else on the road stops and calls 911. Kasey and her mom were both rushed into surgery as Shelby and her dad cried while they waited to hear any news. 

But no one survived. 

That moment, when the doctor came out of the surgery room and delivered the terrifying news, that was the moment Shelby Marcus lost control. 

She died inside. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to handle any of it; any of the things she was feeling.  All she knew was that she was lost and she didn't know where to look to find herself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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