Interview with Candy_Cookie

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Hey this is my first book and I am actually going to interview my cousin I got this Idea from a nother book.

Wattpad name: Candy_Cookie

Wattpad email:

real name: Bee

Age: 16

Gender: F


How did you find wattpad?

My friend Maxi23 (her name on wattpad) told me about it while I was at her house and she helped me make one and now I am on it almost every day.

So Bee what is your fave part about wattpad?

Mainly the fact that you can chat to people from all over the world and now we can talk more and the fact that you can get fans and write books.

What is your fave subjects and least fave at school?

Well my fave subjects I actually really like litrature and that is why I like this site and I also like art and Drama. my least faves are maths and spelling and history.

Fave colour?

Purple green and black

What book are you reading on Wattpad that you really like?

A school for the gifted is really good

Do you have any pets?

Well I live on a farm so I have some frogs, 1 dog, 1 bird, some fish, some ducks, 10 chooks, 2 alpacas and 1 lamb.

Fave form of transportion?

Horse or motorbike they are really fast and I like them I just love feeling the wind in my hair

that is the end of our interview so bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2011 ⏰

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