two 〣 putty in his hands

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Mission Creek High School


8:00 p.m.

Today's the day! It's the talent show! I've decided to sing. It's the only thing I felt like I could really do. Although, I was super nervous.

Stage fright was an extremely real problem, but I attempted to bury that thought into the far recesses of my mind.

I took another deep breath, watching Chase walk onto the stage. He was doing some sort of... magic trick or something. I didn't have time to ask him.

My slid over to Leo, remote in hand. My eyebrows furrowed. Leo having an unmarked remote was not good. No, it was not good at all.

"Leo." I muttered, gently elbowing him in the side.

He glanced over at me, "What?"

"What is that remote for?"

He opened his mouth, before eventually deciding against it. All he did was shake his head.

"Don't you worry about it."

"Leo, I am literally always worried."

He shrugged, and I huffed. If he wouldn't even tell me what it was for, than this had to be worse than I thought.

My eyes found Chase again, placing my focus back on him long enough to hear the laughing. Oh no, it didn't work. Chase had finally gone up there to make his mark, to actually be proud of something...

And it was a dud.

I had half a mind to go & drag him offstage to comfort him. That might be weird though, and then he'd hate me, and I couldn't handle that thought process right now either.

My heart sunk into my chest, watching his face fall. He really deserved better than this. I bit my lip, taking another deep breath, and my eyes drifted to the floor.

That's when a deep voice cut through the laughter & my eyes shot up.


Was that really Chase? No, no, it couldn't be. The voice was deep & aggressive. That wasn't Chase. At least, not the Chase I knew.

For some reason, my gaze fell to Leo for some sort of explanation for this. But alas, Leo was caught up in his own little world... and still looked terrified.


Leo didn't seem to hear me.

"I think Spike's back!" He whispered, mostly to himself. The terror was evident on his face, and my head tilted.

"Um, who's Spike?" I asked, eyes continually switching from 'Chase' to Leo.

"If he gets angry, he turns aggressive. Not just aggressive, extremely aggressive." Leo explained quickly, "and we- my family- call him Spike."

My mouth went dry as I thought back through memories. Had this happened before? Ever?


Yes it did.

In fact, on the very first day, Chase had gotten furious at the football players. He had questioned the entire social hierarchy. He'd... Well, he'd sprayed the entire Mission Creek football team with pudding cups.

Looking back on it now... Yes. Yes, that was weird. It didn't fit with anything I now know about Chase, so was that 'Spike' moment in disguise?

Chase, sorry... Spike, was yelling again.

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