Chapter 2- The Truth

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Eric sat across from me in bed. I didn't want my man to be scared of me. My love for him will always be the same. I bet he probably thinks that he has to sleep with one eye open now. But I was ready to tell him the truth I was ready to tell him everything. I swallowed hard as my palms began to sweat.

"I want you to tell me everything baby don't hold anything back ok?" he said rubbing my face with his strong hands. His touch brought reassurance to me. 


I told Eric everything. I told him about my brother and the girl that killed him and how I learned to do the acid bath. I told him about Walter and how he raped me before we left Compton and followed me for months. I told him about Walter coming into our home and almost killing me. I told him everything. I didn't hold anything back. Tears streamed down my face as I reminisced the hell  I went through. Eric was a very good listener. He didn't say a word as I told him what was going on.

"And now his cousin is after me...the other day he was following me when I was with the kids and Shanita he wants me dead" I cried

Eric held me and before I knew it he was crying with me. I felt his warm tears fall on my forehead

"I wish you would of told me sooner baby I should of been here to protect you" he cried

"No baby there was to much going on you couldn't balance my problems with the kids, Ruthless and money"

"Fuck that I always have time for you that nigga is never going to hurt you" he said holding me and kissing me on the head

Our tears mixed together as he rocked back and forth.

"I was too busy out here fucking bitches that I didn't realize my girl needed me it's all my''s all my fault I should of been here for you"

"No baby don't blame yourself it's not your fault it's mine for not telling you"

"I'm so sorry baby I should of been here" he said crying harder than me

"Eric stop it stop it ok?" I said letting go of him and grabbing his face to make him look at me 

His eyes were just a red as mine from crying. Just then he leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him as he got on top of me kissing me.

"I love you so much" he said kissing my face and kissing my neck.

"I love you too" I said softly

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