I'll Be there for You

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He stood across the room, looking directly towards us. I knew what he was thinking, yet I coulnd't help but think the same. I was truly healing and this was the man that was helping me do it. 

"Momma, will Doctor Tosar heal Pinko?" my three year old daughter asked. I looked down at her, she held our cat carefully in her lap.

"I'm pretty sure he will do everything he can sweetie." I smiled reassuringly. I stood up and took the tabby from her hands. We both made our way to where the doctor stood.

"Hello there young lady, and what is wrong with your kitten today?" he asked my daughter.

"Pinko isn't eating and she seems to be getting weak." my three year old daughter said, sticking out her bottom lip in the process.

"I'll take a good look at her darling." he said. Indiana ran to play with the little kid section at the animal hospital. "How are you Nia?" he asked me.

"I'm doing much better Doctor." I smiled at him. I watched him closely, careful to leave every detail engraved in my mind. 

The bell of the door ringed, and I knew we weren't alone anymore. I looked away, embarrassed by the way he looked at me. It went silent for a while, not even the dags dared to bark in their cellars.

"Daddy!" Indiana yelled. My eyes widened as I realized who had just walked in through that door. I quickly turned around, and found him, crouched down in front of Indiana.

"What are you doing here Ethan?" I asked him a little more roughly than intended. He looked up a me and smiled.

"I came to see my lovely wife and beautiful daughter." he replied/


I'm trying this out. I went to a funeral this weekend and it was in Lemoore. I just like to use small towns because they are the most interesting. Hope you like it and if you do, please vote and comment. Thank you for reading.

I'll Be there for YouWhere stories live. Discover now