18th Birthday

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Today was it, it was my 18th birthday. I had a small party but only invited my mama, papa, Lily, and my best friend Sunny. We had a lovely time visiting and eating the snacks my mama had made for me. Before I knew it half the day was gone and it was time to open the presents.

First present was from Sunny. I opened the tiny yellow box and inside was a handmade charm bracelet. "Thank you Sunny! It's beautiful." I said as I slipped it on my wrist. The next present was from Lily. She handed me a rolled up leaf. I opened it and inside was a drawing she made of us together. I thanked her then moved on to mama and papas gift. The box was almost bigger than me. I untied the bow and lifted the lid. A hummingbird flew out of the box and landed right beside me. I stared at it's beautiful red feathers and golden tail. Papa handed me a saddle and some reins. "Put it on em' before he flies away." Papa told me.

I saddled up the bird and got on. "Fly!"I shouted as the bird flew into the sky with me on his back. Nothing had ever been so easy in my life. The feeling of flying over the treetops up into the clouds was just the best feeling in my whole life. Me and the hummingbird darted around the sky and finally came back and landed beside my papa. "So what are you gonna name him?" My mama asked. "Oh I forgot about a name." I said, thinking of what to call him. "Fireball. Thats what I'll call him!" I announced. Everyone cheered. I jumped on Fireball and flew off into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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