The night it all began

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"No Draco, that can't be true, he wouldn't put you in such danger! I'm sure he didn't know what's going to happen." You say to Draco as he looks at you with sadness in his eyes.

" My father has no control over this situation, he hasn't had for a while now." He replies as he looks away. You were sitting in the astronomy tower on a sunny spring afternoon. It had always been the spot that the both of you claimed to be "our place". No one ever came here, at least no one had ever done it when you had been there.

" I'd say he's a coward, you know," you say after an awkward silence.

"Who? My dad?" Draco asks, he didn't seem mad, he seemed a bit carried away in his thoughts.

"No, I meant you-know-who. Using you to get to Dumbledore is not a very honourable thing to do, or what do you think?" You said as you placed your hand on Draco's.

" Sometimes I wish I was born in another family, for example, think about Pansy's family. How easy would my life be? But no, I'm a bloody Malfoy and I have to be responsible for all the mistakes my dad has made. That sounded a bit over dramatic but you got the point. " He exhaled loudly and you suddenly felt so sorry for him. You knew that the Malfoys who had been an honourable family had now become a family that the darker parts of the wizarding world joked about. It got even worse a few weeks ago when the rumours of the "werewolf puppy" started.

"I know, I know. Sometimes I wish I was born as famous rock star's daughter but let me tell you a thing - life is always unfair and no matter how much you want it you can't change your origins. Can we switch the topic please, it's getting very very deep already and it's never good to have an extremely deep conversation just before writing a history essay."

You grinned at Draco. He looked at you and started smiling.

" Why is that not good?" He asked while smiling one of those extremely misbehavious smiles.

"Because I'll get too poetical and the essay will be full of metaphors and you know what happened last time I wrote an essay like that."
" Yes, Professor Sprout was extremely confused why you had written that one of the plants looked like a baby on fire who is dancing the waltz and you had no idea how to make her see the baby in that old tree," Draco said as he stood up.

" What is it? What's wrong?" You asked.

" I've got a bad feeling about tonight."

" What do you mean? Do you have any plans for the evening?" You knew that Draco was acting different after he had unwillingly joined the Death Eaters but that was something new.

" No I don't, it's just a stupid feeling. Like I'd know that something bad is going to happen but I can't prevent it. Do you know the feeling Y/N?" He asked as he grabbed you by your waist.

"Yeah I know that feeling," you placed a kiss on his cheek. "We should be going back inside, it's cold here."

You spent the evening on your bed while writing the history essay. Pansy was one of your roommates here in Hogwarts, she was not the brightest nor the nicest girl in the school but you two got on well. " ....the topic was even published in the muggles' news papers although they said that it was an extremely strong storm. The end ! What do you think? " You asked Pasny after you finished reading your essay out loud.
" It's brilliant, as always. You know you're good with writing essays and other stuff like that." Pansy said. " So you think it's OK? Good. Now let me hear yours ." You replied.

" In 1876 the Minister of Magic stated that he had been involved in the ..." You got carried away in your thoughts. You were somehow afraid. It wasn't only because Draco had said that he had a bad feeling about the evening, it was the fact that you both felt the same way. You hadn't told him but you also felt like something's going to happen in any minute now.

" How was it?" You hear Pansy ask.

" OK, I guess." You said after a moment of silence.

" Great, let's go to the common room, come on." Pansy said as she pulled you by hand. You looked around when you arrived in the common room, you couldn't see Draco.

" Do you know where Draco is?" You asked from Goyle.

" He went to sleep, I think."

" Oh, OK." If you thought about it then it seemed absolutely normal it was quite late already.

After a while you also went to sleep. When you woke up on the next morning you had forgot the weird sensation you had had last night. You woke Pansy up and the both of you changed your clothes and went to have brakefast.

" Y/N ! Can I talk to you for a minute? " Professor McGonagall said as she rushed to you as you entered the hall. Everyone suddenly shut up and looked at you. Some of them were whispering something.

" But of course." You replied to McGonagall. She led you to her office and asked you to sit down. You had always had really good teacher- student relationship with professor McGonagall.

"When did you last see mister Malfoy?" She asked. You felt like you had just banged your head into a wall or something, this can't be happening.

" Last night, at about 5 o'clock, " you said finally. " What's this about?" You asked with a shaking voice.

" Well Y/n, it seems like Mr Malfoy has disappeared from the school territory. " You were covered with cold sweat almost immediately.

" This can't be happening!" You said, this time out loud.

The long lost Heir [ Draco x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now