The only one thing that she was good at was arts.

Through her drawings, she expressed the words that never seemed to come out from her mouth. And today, was the same day like the others.

Only she didn't know that unexpected events may change her life.

Just as she about to finish her sketch, she heard the door slide open and a person came in hastily. She raised her head slightly and saw a guy leaning against the door after closing it as quick as he can. He was covered in sweat and panting heavily. It didn't really bother her at first, but when she heard a sudden click coming from the door, she shot him a glare.

"What the hell are you doing?" her words laced with coldness and he felt amused.

"What do you mean?" he asked, before pleading "Please lower down your voice."

A frown appeared on her features. "Why?" her curiosity made his eyes widen and a small smile appeared on her lips. Slowly, he motioned her to come closer. She didn't comply at first, and he simply said, "I'm not going to tell you the reason unless you come closer."

"I don't care." Was what she replied.

"Then, what about I won't open the door unless you listen to me?" He gave her a playful smirk and internally screamed in victory the moment she came closer. Without much interest, she asked him, "So what's going on with your life that made you stuck in here?"

"Look, my fangirls are coming after me and honestly, it drives me crazy sometimes. I mean, it's not like I didn't appreciate their support, but I needed my privacy too." He began to ramble.

"Look, dude. I don't know who are you or the reason why girls chasing after you, but could you introduce yourself first? It's a little rude not to introduce yourself after locking a person in a library with you." She looked at him sheepishly.

Just as he about to speak, both of them heard the sound of footsteps coming to the library. Quickly, he pulled her hand and asked her to sit on the floor next to him. "Hey, I'm sure he's here!" a voice said while a few of them muttered some words of agreement.

"Let's try. It wouldn't hurt, right? After all, it's Kise-kun." Haruki heard one of them said. She glanced at the person sat next to her. So, his name was Kise? Now, the stranger had an identity. But soon shock replaced her curiosity when a girl tried to enter the library. She looked worry but Kise immediately said, "Remember, I've locked it."

"Right..." she muttered softly. Haruki began to realize that this person was the one she often sketched on her notebook. "Kise-kun, huh?" she spoke out unconsciously. Kise who sat next to her, looked towards her direction and raised a brow.

"You didn't know who am I?" Kise asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"No, sorry. Am I supposed to know you?" she asked back.

"Hmm, not really." He paused, smiling, "But it's weird that you didn't know me."

"Who are you exactly then? Why are those girl chasing after you?"

"My name is Kise Ryouta."

"Okay. So? That doesn't explain everything that I've asked."

"Actually, I noticed that you're staring at me sometimes. We're on the same class remember?"

Now, Haruki was caught off guard with his statement. She couldn't deny it since it was the truth, but she couldn't accept the fact that he caught her staring at him. Noticing her silence, he spoke softly, "I noticed that because I too..." he paused for a moment, looking down, "I too often stared at you."

Haruki eyes widen. She was shock and speechless at the same time. How did he notice her anyways? Yes, she did stare at him but it wasn't that frequent. In fact, it was just a few glances so that she managed to draw his figure on her book.

Now that she was thinking it again, why did she even sketch him?

"Your name is Naruse Haruki, right?" he asked, after a while.

"Yeah." How did he know her name?

"There was a notebook fell on the floor that day. Nobody was in the class and I took it. I didn't realize it was yours and I just flipped through it. Then, I saw some sketches..." he voice trailed off.

Haruki huffed softly. Stuck between surprised and embarrassment, she replied, "Sorry though. I didn't mean to do it. It's just that..." she took a deep breath, "You happen to caught my attention. That's all."

"I'm glad."

"Huh? What? Why?"

"I mean, I caught your attention, you stared at me from afar and you didn't even know what my name is." He chuckled softly and she blushed.

Damn, why did she blush?

"So, let me introduce myself again. Kise Ryouta, Teikou's basketball player slash a model."

"I guess you already know who I am. So, you're a model, eh?"


"Oh well, sorry for not being a fashion lover, mister."


Even though it was past midnight, she couldn't get some sleep at all. In the end, she stared at her room's ceiling. She couldn't think properly. Her mind was in a chaos and there was a wrecking havoc in her heart. Her heart was racing when he appeared in her thoughts and she began to question her feelings.

What was Kise Ryouta to her?

A friend?

Or probably more than that?

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. She reached for it and checked the new message – looking surprise when the name of the sender was none other but Kise Ryouta. Soon, she made up her mind to save his number to her contact list.

| Kise the stalker : Harucchi, it's late I know... - sent 00:17 |

| Kise the stalker : but I just wanted to tell something tho – sent 00:17 |

| Kise the stalker : do you remember the first time we met? – sent 00:18 |

| Kise the stalker : cuz that's what replaying on my mind tonight – sent 00:18 |

And her heart skipped a beat when she read the last one, before smiling softly.

| Kise the stalker : and I know that you're thinking the same too... - sent 00:20 |


Unedited and a late update. I'm really sorry for not updating often, so please forgive me somehow. Hope you guys will enjoy the new chapter. And I'm sorry if this chapter is kind of crappy and hard to understand. Comments and votes are much appreciated.



Fadeless Solitude [Kise Ryouta x OC]Where stories live. Discover now