The Devil You Know

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The devil you know, versus the devil behind you. A concept that seems to be lost on people. They think that a devil is a devil. There is a massive difference between the one you know; that pull on the cigarette, the way the razor fits between your fingers, the lies that slip out, each time you play with someones emotions, that is the devil you know. Comforting, old, malicious. The devil behind you though, that new one around the corner. That is a different story. It's that addiction to gyming after the horrible depression. It's that feeling when you hold that one person that could rip you apart with a word, its the feeling of sitting next to the razor and putting it away because someone else made you promise and you know what? You want to, you ant to stop. You don't want inhale that cigarette again, you don't want to to hurt someone else again, you don't want to lie because it feels good. But you do, you don't stop because that is the difference between the devil you know and the one around the corner. The devil you know is easy, comfy. But once you put him away you realise that your angel is actually waiting for you, just for you.

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