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You were shaking. Trembling almost. You had just become a Death Eater against your will. You didn't want this. What sane person would want this? But since you had a powerful family with a powerful boyfriend, what better way to bring them together than to put you in the picture? At least, that's what Voldemort thought.

You had always told Draco you wouldn't get involved. In fact, you promised him! What's even worse is, you were an advocate for Dumbledore's Army! But Voldemort was unaware of that, thank God.

The only reason why Voldemort wanted you to join the Death Eaters was because he knew that you were smart. He knew you were a good witch. And also because he knew things would not end well if you were fighting opposite of Draco in the war. Sadly, he was right.

You looked at the Dark Mark on your left forearm and the tears brimmed in your eyes. You knew you would have to tell him, even though you really didn't want to. The only thing you could hope for right now was that Draco understood why it happened and that he could still love you despite what happened.

You approached him in the Slytherin common room, he was sitting and talking with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hey babe." you placed a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and smiled at you. "Hi!", he turned to the other boys next to him, "I'll be right back." They nodded curtly and engaged in a conversation with each other.

"Draco, we need to talk." you shakily whispered. Your whole body was trembling now more than ever.

He saw the look in your eyes and led you up to his room. Closing the door behind you, he sat on his bed. "Everything okay?" The look he gave you meant he was ready to listen to whatever problem you had in mind. You were just hoping he'd listen to this one.

"Draco, I..." you trailed off and broke down crying. He stood up and walked up to you, his hands placed comfortingly on your arms.

"(Y/N) baby, what is it? What's going on?" he asked now with worry and concern in his voice.

The tears were cascading down your face and you were blubbering. "V-Voldemort..."

His eyes widened and his grip on you tightened. "(Y/N), what about Voldemort? Talk to me baby, I'm here."

"Voldemort made me become a Death Eater." you cried out. Waterfalls were rushing down your face and you couldn't stop them.

His grip on you loosened and then his hands were gone. You stood there in his room watching him pace back and forth until he fiercely punched the wall, making you jump in your place.

He punched the wall again, again, and again until there was a sizable hole in the wall. His hands reached for his hair and roughly pulled at the strands and he started shouting.

"NO. No this can't happen! This isn't what I wanted! I can't have you get involved in this, I... FUCK." he yelled. You finally went up to him and cupped his face in your hands in an attempt to calm him down.

"Draco, Draco baby, look at me." you said softly, despite the tears still going down your face.

"He can't do this." his now cold grey eyes pierced straight into your terrified (y/e/c) ones.

"How did this even happen?!" he asked roughly.

You looked at him with sadness in your eyes. "He thinks I'd be a powerful addition to the Death Eaters...and he knew that if we fought on opposite sides in the war, it wouldn't end well for both of us."

He stared sadly into your eyes.

"No...he can't do this." he repeated, "I won't have it! No, no there must be some way to change this, maybe I can talk to him."

"Draco stop, you can't. He's already marked me." you said sadly.

His hand reached up to grab your left arm and he pulled it down so he could look at it. Once he saw the mark, he clasped both of your hands together and covered them with his.

"Listen to me." ,he said, "Listen. I'm not going to let you die. Okay? I will NOT let you die."

The emphasis in his words made you feel safe, protected. You knew you would be safe if Draco was around.

"I'm gonna protect you if it's the last thing I do. I swear to God, I will die saving you if that's what it takes."

You gaped at him, speechless.

"I won't let you die. You hear me? I won't let you die. Not like this." His tone was fierce and promising, and it gave you a lot of comfort.

"I love you. Everything's going to be okay. We're going to be fine. I promise. Okay?" his eyes were now desperately boring into yours, hoping that you understood what he was saying to you.

You were still terrified, and there was still tears leaking out of your face, but it didn't matter. Not to Draco. All he cared about was your safety and it was going to stay that way.

He firmly kissed the top of your forehead and he pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around you. One hand was on your lower back, the other was encircled around the back of your head. His chin was on top of your head and he held you like that, letting you softly cry into his chest.

"I'll protect you. I promise." he whispered.

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