It's for the best.

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*Keys' P.O.V*

I was practicing dancing, Hello, by myself because I arrived late to the Practice and the others had left for lunch, so I was alone, and BORED! I was standing in the middle of the dance floor, just waiting, hoping, that someone would walk in and join me. I continued to practice when the door swung open, I turned around and saw Minho walk in, 'Why Minho?!' I asked myself, I smiled at him and he smiled back, "Hey." He said, "Hey~" I replied back, "What's that tone for?" He asked, hinting to my sing-songy voice, "N-No reason!" I exclaimed, waving my hand, truth is: It was for a reason, a reason that I had a hard time trying to piece together, I fell in love with Minho, yeah, and I don't know how to tell him, and I don't deal well with rejection, and plus it will ruin our friendship and I don't want that to happen, so he doesn't know, and he may never know.

I sat down on the floor and starting to scroll through the #MinKey section of the internet, This was something I started to do when I realised that I fell for Minho, and continued to do, "What'cha doing?" Minho sat down next to me, "No-Nothing!" I exclaimed, hiding my phone, "Sure~" Minho cooed, I love/hate it when he did this, I love it because it is absolutely adorable and irresistible, and I hate it because he makes me feel guilty and it makes me want to tell him the truth, about my feelings for him, but I can't, I'll ruin everything and plus, what everyone else would think, especially the guys, these reasons are exactly what I'm afraid will happen, and I refuse to let it happen, so even if I have to never tell Minho how I feel about him, I'll just pretend to be happy even if it kills me, Inside and out. Wanna know something worse? Minho has a gorgeous girlfriend, and I'd give anything to be in her place, she doesn't really seem to love him, everytime he wants a kiss she turns away, whenever he tries for a hug, she walks away, or if he succeeds, she tenses up and pats his back, He says she has trouble with emotions and expressing them, but she never even smiled or grinned at him before!! She doesn't love him the way I do, I'd never turn away, walk away or tense up and pat you on the back!!! I'd always embrace him, but I can't. He's taken. It hurts, but he's happy so I'll pretend to be happy for him. 

"KEY!" Minho snapped his fingers, and I blinked a few times, "Y-yeah?" I asked, "You should take a picture, it last longer." Minho laughed, and I slightly chuckled, "Y-Yeah, I'll be sure to." I smiled, and he smiled back at me, "What'cha thinking about?" He asked, I shook my head, "It's nothing Minho." I told him, "You sure?" He asked, and I nodded, not telling Minho is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it's for the best.

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