
"Have you seen the black Gucci shirt?" Damien calls out to me as I prepare our breakfast.

"Don't you have like 10 of them?" I look up and see him exiting the bedroom dressed only in jeans. They hang low on his hips, V-line and still a little wet, toned chest on full display.

"The one I wore yesterday?" he tries again and hugs me from behind while I put an omelette on a plate. "Damien, you have a closet full of black shirts. Why in the world do you need this exact one?"

He shrugs and plants a kiss on my nape. "Why do you need it?"

"Because... I just do. Will you come with me to buy a new one?"

I turn around to face him. "So, you're telling me that even though you have dozens of black shirts in your closet, you want to go out and buy a new one. The exact same one you can't seem to find now?"

"It's my favorite." He kisses me and captures my lower lip with his teeth, giving it a light tug. I grin against his mouth.

 "Well then we really need to get you a new one! How else are you going to survive?" I tease him.

He rolls his eyes and pecks my lips again before he turns around to walk back to the bedroom.

"If you ask me, you could go topless. I don't mind." I stare at him dreamily. This man has a fabulous backside.


The sales lady just showed us what feels like the millionth shirt, but it never was the right one.

 "That's not the one I had, okay? Go have a coffee if you don't want to stay here with me."

"Ugh, no, I'm fine, but please just try one. Here..." I point at a random one, just so he would try on something. "That's the one."

"Really?" He looks at me questioningly.

"Yup, just try it on."

"Do you want to come with me?" He looks so happy, as if he just had the best idea ever.

"Well, unless you want to get arrested?"

"Arrested? Oh, Miss Grimes, do you by any chance have naughty ideas? You and me in a changing room, perhaps? You on your knees?" He whispers seductively into my ear.

"Damien," I let my fingers slide into his hair and pull him closer. "Go get changed." I kiss his pouty lips and grin at him.

"You're an evil woman."

"Yup, I know."

"See, I knew it's the right one." It seems like luck is on my side. And goodness, black really suits him well. Messy hair, stubble, black shirt. Stunning.

And I'm not the only one thinking so. Since we walked into the store, the sales lady hasn't been able to take her eyes off him, and it's starting to annoy me. "Dashing. Absolutely dashing, Sir." Oh woman, shut it!

I roll my eyes, and Damien chuckles and winks at me. Bless him for not giving a damn about her.

She steps closer to him and pretends to check his shirt, and I genuinely believe she's doing it just because she wants to, not because she has to.

"Well, well. I'm sure the ladies are going to eat you alive when they see you in this one." She did not!

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" I try to stay calm, but that lady really asked for it.

 "I... Uh... was just saying... I..." She stammers around.

"Yes, and I'm losing my patience here with your unprofessional attitude."

She's staring at me wide-eyed; Damien, on the other hand, is struggling not to burst into laughter. "I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was just saying... I just meant how good he... I mean how well that shirt... I, um..."

"You can leave now, and please send a more professional colleague of yours." I take a few calming breaths as I watch her practically run away from us. I look back at Damien, only to find him already gazing at me.

"I was so rude." I whisper, still shocked at how I handled the situation.

"Oh, Baby." He hugs me tight and kisses the top of my head. "I think you handled it well."

"You're lying, but thank you for that."

"I would never do such a thing." He says playfully.

"Mm, of course not." I lean back to look up at him, and he gazes at me adoringly.

"As much as I hate to say this – she was right. You really look quite dashing in that shirt."

"Oh, do I?"

"Always." He laughs out loud before kissing me softly.

"Then I think I've made my choice."

"Mhm." I grin at him.


Damien chuckles as he opens the front door to our favorite Italian restaurant. "What's so funny, Dam–," I start to ask, but the words get stuck in my throat as I see who's also in the restaurant. Finn and Ben.

"Damien, did you tell them to come?" I ask him, but he just grins at me. Ben is the first to notice me. He gets up and immediately comes over to embrace me. "My girl is getting married. I can't believe it. I'm so happy for you." He presses me to his chest and begins to spin me around.

"What? Damien!" I whine. "I wanted to tell them." When Ben lets go, I turn around to look at him accusingly. He looks amused, and before he can say anything, Finn is already starting to squeeze me tightly.

"He called me weeks ago, asked for your hand. He asked me for my permission. You have no idea how hard it was not to tell you. I'm so happy for you, baby girl." My eyes well up with tears when he finally releases me.

"He called you?" I turn around.

"You asked him, Damien?" I bite my lower lip to prevent myself from completely losing it.

"Of course, I did. He's your family." He leans down to press his lips against mine. "I would do anything to make you happy."


thanks for reading xx

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