Day 02

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Ayato: She's grown taller.

Latio: Can babies grow that fast..?

Kanato: Doesn't the human's say, "They grow up so fast???"

Reiji: Well either way she is to be our prospective bride. We must take care of all her needs so that when she is older she will take care of all of ours.

Everyone: Agreed!

Ayato: But how do we...

Kanato:...take care of...

Latio:...a child?

The triplets glare at each other.

Reiji: *Sigh* All of you are hopeless. She looks as though she's getting older by each day. So remember your tasks. This is all going to be important for her growth. Shu. You will be putting her to bed and naps.

Shu: Hn.

Reiji: I will be preparing her meals and feeding her. Ayato. You will be teaching her, her studies.

Ayato: Got it.

Reiji: Kanato. You will deal with playing with her and buying her toys.

Kanato: Look Teddy, we have a new friend.

Reiji: Latio. You will deal with dressing her and buying her clothes.

Latio: *Kisses Yui on the cheek* We will have fun together.

Reiji: Subaru. You will teach her to be a young lady and have manners.

Subaru: Does it look like I'm a girl!?!

Subaru says, about to punch the wall when he sees Reiji's glasses glint.

Reiji: Young ladies are supposed to be gentle, quiet, and humble. Everything you are not. But don't think I don't remember the times when you were dressed up by our mothers. Might I say your petticoat was-

Subaru: Okay! Just shut up!!!

Reiji: Good. Now Shu, the crib was already placed inside your room.

Shu walks out of the room probably to get the napping baby Yui.

Reiji: Ayato, prepare the les-

Shu: Yui! She's-

Shu uncharacteristically teleports into the room shouting whilst pointing at Yui.

Reiji: What is wrong with you...? There's nothing wrong with- Oh my.

Shu waves a large hand infront of the baby's wide eyes.

Reiji: I gave you strict instructions! And now you've gone and broke it!

Subaru: I swear.

He grasps the baby in his hold and wiggles a finger infront of Yui's eyes.

Subaru: She's blind.

Reiji: What! But she wasn't blind yesterday?! Shu, what did you do to her?!?

He says pointing back to the now asleep brother on the floor.

Yui: S-Sue!

[A/N]~ A lawyer in the making.

Subaru: Do you want to go to him..?

Yui: Sue!

Subaru places the child on the woken blonde headed brother and watches as the child instantly drops on his chest and falls asleep without another word.

Reiji: Oh my gawd. It's another, Sue.

Diabolik Lovers; Blinded By The TruthWhere stories live. Discover now