"Please, call me Sebastian," he said.

     He bent at the waist and took her hand. When he straightened, he kissed the back of her hand lightly. Butterflies erupted in her stomach at the feel of his lips on her skin. He looked at her. She couldn't tear her eyes from his. She felt as if she was drowning in his eyes. They looked at each other for a long moment. The priest cleared his throat.

     They broke apart. Emma blushed and looked away. She took off her bonnet. He was shocked to see that she had auburn hair. Her siblings and father had blonde hair. Emma got her coloring from her mother. She handed the bonnet to Mrs. Coleman.

     "Who will serve as witness?" the priest asked.

     "My housekeeper and valet," Sebastian said.

     The priest nodded. He began the ceremony. As he went through the vows, Sebastian could feel Emma's hands trembling in his. Their eyes met and he could see the fear in her eyes. He could tell that she was scared more of the idea of marrying a stranger than she was afraid of him. He leaned forward and put his lips to her ear. A tendril of her hair tickled his nose.

     "It will be all right," he whispered.

     She nodded and her trembling eased somewhat. As he pulled away, he caught a sniff of lavender. Soon the priest came to the end of the ceremony.

     "You may kiss the bride, Lord Beaumont," the priest said.

     Sebastian turned to Emma. She looked at him, wide eyed. She had never been kissed before. He cupped her face in his hands.

     "Close your eyes," he said softly.

     Her eyes fluttered close. Her heart pounded as she waited for his lips to touch hers. After what seemed like an eternity, she felt his lips lightly brush hers. Her lips parted. He brushed her lips with his again. A feeling she never had before washed over her. It made her dizzy. She reached up to grab his wrists to keep herself steady. He pulled away slightly. A whimper of protest escaped her lips. Her eyes opened. He could see desire reflected in her eyes. He realized that even though she was in her twenties, she was inexperienced when it came to matters between a man and woman. His chest tightened.

     "I will need everyone's signature on the license," the priest said. "Then I will be on my way."

     Sebastian nodded. Ten minutes later, the priest left. Sebastian turned to Emma. She sat in a chair, staring down at her lap. She looked up when he approached her.

     "Your luggage has already been brought into the house," he said. "If you like, Mrs. Coleman can show you to your chambers so that you can wash up. Supper will be served in an hour."

     She nodded. She stood up and followed Mrs. Coleman out of the room. Sebastian watched her go. Jamie turned to him.

     "What do you think of your new bride, Lord Beaumont?" he asked.

     "Timid," Sebastian said. "She isn't what I expected. But she will do."

     Emma followed Mrs. Coleman up two flights of stairs . On the first story was the nursery. They came to a stop down a long hallway.

     "The first room is his," Mrs. Coleman said. "Yours is next to it. It has adjoining doors."

     Emma nodded. She walked into the room and Mrs. Coleman shut the door behind her. Emma's luggage was at the foot of a king sized bed. The covers on the bed was a blue velvet. Off to the right was a table with a basin and a jug of water. She walked over to it. She poured the water into the basin. Hanging over the table was a mirror. She looked at her reflection. She didn't look different. She thought something would have changed now that she was married.

The Spinster and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now