Insanity Splurge

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Yes its not well written but the title speaks for itself

In my psychopathic mind I reach towards you
I listen to the noises of the city
To the normal lives that everyone lives
I listen to the songs that everyone knows
I like to act like I can relate
Are you happy? No but I am real
I told you I am a monster and can't seem to feel
I look at these lines and know I can act like it's me
I look at the lines I made and I know that's not me
I look at the lines I wrote and I know it's just not me
I look at the pain I wrought and I know that is me

I reside in the pain of everyone
The pain that I could take away
I want to steal your pain

I want to cause more pain to everyone
No one is safe
No one is not a target
No one is safe from the genocide
I keep it in...

Why do I keep it in?
I don't care enough
I don't love enough
I don't know enough
Why do I keep it in...

Why do I deny myself release?
Why don't I want to draw the blade?
Why don't I teach the world the meaning of acceptance?
Why don't I teach the world fear?
Fear of the unknown?
Demons in the dark...
They whisper to me these things...
No I'm talking to myself, I don't have voices.
I'm telling myself to commit
I'm telling myself to feel
I'm telling myself to stop faking

I can't do it anymore
I don't have a reason not to be able to
It pisses me off...
But I can't do anything about it...
I won't let go but I don't have a reason
I'll act like I'm happy...
I'll act like I'm fine because that's what I should be...

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