"Mommy I don't want to." She whined. I sighed and looked at Jayceon for help. Even though they don't know each other I'm sure there's something he can do.

"Hey, are you Kylie?" He asked her. She just nodded an took a peek at him.

"I'm Jayceon..the spy." He said, smiling at her. Finally her grip loosened and I placed her on her own two feet. She hesitantly walked to Jayceon and looked up at him. Jayceon squatted down so that they were at eye level and stared back at her.

"You're Mr. Jay, from the store that time!" She said. I forgot all about that store incident and I scoffed at the thought of it.

"I was at the store to get some spy stuff." He said, glancing at me with a slight mean mug. I just shrugged and looked away.

"Are you my daddy?" She asked.

"Yes." Jayceon answered. She smiled big and ran into his open arms for a hug. It looked like neither of them had any intentions on letting go no time soon and it was honestly a beautiful sight. It almost brought tears to my eyes.

I feel really guilty about not telling Jayceon about her now. What was I thinking? I was being selfish ass Naomi who only thinks about her own well-being. I didn't think of how it would affect my daughter, or even Jayceon because I was young and dumb at the time. If I could go back, I would definitely stop Jayceon from leaving me so he could stay here and we could be a family. To late now, he's doing that with Anya.

I watched as Kylie and Jayceon interacted, I always knew she'd be a daddy's girl. I stood there awkwardly watching them with a smile when someone approached us, or me.

"Damn girl, you remind me of the 20 letters in the alphabet." He said, looking me up and down while licking his lips. He was cute, but he's an obvious dumbass because there are 26 letters in the alphabet.

"There's 26 letters dumbass." Jayceon said, shaking his head.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget the U, R, A, Q, T?" He asked rubbing his hands together with a smirk. I giggled, I guess this was his way of hitting on me.

"That's still only 25 Devin." Jayceon said, rolling his eyes. Kylie giggled and mimicked him rolling her eyes.

"My bad, you can get the D later." He finished and I busted out laughing. Jayceon even cracked a small smile while Kylie just looked at all of us confusingly, trying to figure out what was so funny.

"You're so corny." I said, blushing.

"I made you laugh and blush though. I'm Devin beautiful, but the ladies call me daddy." He said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. He winked at me and turned his attention to Jayceon and Kylie. "And who's this cutie?" He said.

"I'm Kylie, this is my daddy, he's a spy! That's my mommy over there, she's a model." Kylie broadcasted to the whole backyard of people. Devin looked confused for a minute, but then Jayceon gave him a look.

"I'm a spy to, they call me Special Agent Oso." Devin said.

"But I thought Special Agent Oso was a bear?" Ky said.

"Did I say Oso? I meant Loso.. Oso is my twin brother."

"Y'all damn shole do look alike." Jayceon mumbled, earning a laugh from me and the stank eye from Devin.

2 Hours Later

The cookout was going smoothly and I had met just about all of Jayceon's family. I learned that half of them liked me and half didn't, but I didn't really care. One of his uncles told me he uses magazines that I model in to jack off to, that made me feel really uncomfortable. Jayceon cussed him out and made him leave so that problem was resolved.

I haven't came across Anya yet and I'm thankful for that, I didn't need any unnecessary drama. Even though she's pregnant I still feel like she would try to fight me. I'm not trying to catch a charge for beating a pregnant woman's ass, so I'll just continue to keep my distance.

I haven't met his mother yet, but I knew she wouldn't like me from what I'd heard. She was upset because I kept Ky away from Jayceon and the rest of the family. Speak of the devil, she was walking towards me right now.

"You must be the one who kept my grand baby away from us." She said, looking me up and down disgustingly.

"That would be me." I said simply.

"How do you live with yourself? Knowing you kept your own child away from her father? You should be ashamed of yourself, I don't know how you live with yourself I mean seriously." She ranted.

"Did you come over here to down talk to me? Because I don't need that right now, I'm in a good mood and I was raised to respect my elders so could you please go somewhere else with your negative energy." I spoke calmly.

"I just don't see how you can call yourself a woman. I'm glad my son is with Anya instead of you, you're n-"

"Okay, I don't need this." I got up and walked away from her. It was time for me to go before I have to smack me a old lady.

Calm down Naomi.

I found Kylie sitting on Jayceon's lap, talking his head off about God knows what.

"Ky, are you ready to go?" I asked her.

"No, I want to stay here with my daddy." She answered.

"Well you can't baby, we have to go."

"What's wrong? What happened Nae?" I asked.

"Nothing Jayceon. If you want, you can come pick her up tonight once everyone is gone. I don't want to leave her here around all these people I don't know while I'm not here to watch her, no offense." I said picking Ky up.

"None taken, but could you please tell me what happened?" He asked, following me around the yard.

"Let her go Jayceon, she doesn't need to be here." His mother shouted.

"Ma, what the hell did you say to her? I told you not to start no shit man." He said to her.

I walked to my car and rolled my eyes at the sound of his mother's voice. She is honestly to old to be acting like that, I wonder how people can put up with her disrespectful ass.

Jayceon came to my car and insisted that he buckle Ky in. I waited patiently in the drivers seat while they said their goodbyes to one another.

"I'll be by to pick her up later on tonight, okay?" He said. I nodded and pulled off.

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