"Hey baby, are you going to come look at baby clothes with me or what." I looked up and me and the infamous Anya locked eyes. She smirked and rubbed her round belly while staring at me.

"I'll be there in a minute Anya." Jayceon said, trying to avoid a confrontation between me and Anya but it was way to late.

"Naomi, how are you? It's been so long oh my gosh." She said with a fake smile.

"Cut the bull Anya, you know we don't rock with each other like that anymore so don't even sit up here and smile in my face." I said, limiting my words because my daughter was standing there and I didn't need her to hear me saying all of those unpleasant things.

"I see you and Jayceon have reunited, did he tell you we're expecting? A baby boy in 3 more months." Anya said, smiling.

I looked over at Jayceon and he was looking at me with sorrowful eyes. I can't believe this inconsiderate cheating motherfucker let me have sex with him knowing he's with Anya, and they have a god damn BABY on the at that. I felt tears forming in my eyes and I didn't want to let them see me cry, so I quickly grabbed Ky and put her on my hip, speed walking out the store.

"I didn't get to get my toy, we have to go back!" Ky whined, squirming.

"We'll get it another time babygirl. Tell you what, I'm going to go drop you off with grandma and papa, then when I pick you up we can come back and you can pick out 3 toys, okay?" I asked, my voice was real shaky and I hopped she didn't sense that I was going to cry.

"Okay mommy, but what's wrong?" She asked while caressing my face with her soft little hand.

"Nothing baby, everything is fine." I lied. I hopped in the drivers seat and as soon as my foot hit the gas a single tear dropped from my eye. I quickly wiped it and vowed to never let another drop.

I pulled into my parents' driveway. I hurriedly knocked on the door and my dad answered it in his gym clothes.

"What's wrong princess, is everything okay?" He asked with a concern voice.

"Yeah daddy, I just need a few hours to myself right quick. Can y'all watch Ky for a few hours please?" I asked with hopeful eyes. He noddef and grabbed Ky's hand.

"Call me if you need anything!" He yelled as I got back in my car.

I sped home and went straight upstairs to my bedroom. I changed into some yellow pajama shorts with purple hearts on them, a purple cropped tank top and my yellow fuzzy slippers. I went straight to the kitchen and fixed myself a big plate of leftover chicken Alfredo I made last night. Same old Naomi, I eat when I'm hurt.

As I was sitting in the couch and eating my food, I decided to watch some re-runs of Love & HipHop Atlanta. I can't believe Karlie Redd and Joseline aren't friends anymore, I thought they'd always have each other's backs.

I was interrupted by my phone vibrating with a text. I rolled my eyes when I seen Jayceon's name pop up. I didn't really want to talk to him but I couldn't just leave him wondering about Kylie. I guess I took to long to text back because he called me.

"I'm outside your house, come open the door." He said, hanging up.

He knows where I live because the other night when we had sex, he had to drop me off at home because I didn't bring my car. I got up and went to open the front door right when he was about to knock. I stepped aside so he could come in.

"Answer this for me man, is she mine?" He asked.

"Yes Jayceon, she's yours." I confessed. He sighed and plopped down on the couch, putting his head in his hands.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, finally looking at me.

"I didn't know how, I mean you just left without giving me a chance to talk to you. I didn't even find out till after you left and I felt like you didn't want to be bothered with me."

"It wasn't about you Naomi, it was about my damn child! If I didn't want to be bothered with you if wouldn't matter because I would want to be involved in my child's life regardless of how I feel about you. Now I've missed all the important shit. Her birth, first steps, first words, first day of school, you fucked up for real." He said, shaking his head.

I just sighed and sat down because I knew I was wrong. What the hell was I thinking, keeping his child away from him like that? It seemed like the right thing to do at the time but now that I think back on it, that had to be one of my stupidest decisions ever.

"Where is she? I want to see her." He said, breaking me from my thoughts.

"She's with my parents right now but I'm going to get her later." I told him.

"Tell me about her, I want to know every single detail about her Naomi." He said. I thought of all the things I could tell him about my daughter, well our daughter.

"Her real name is Kylie Milyon Taylor, her birthday is June 23rd, she's 3 years old-"

"Wait she's only 3? I mean I understand that coming from her height, but she seems hella smart for her age." He said.

"Yeah, I have her enrolled into a Montessori school because I realized she was intelligent at the age of two. Anyway, her favorite color is pink, she enjoys playing with barbie dolls, and she thinks you're a spy." I said.

"She thinks I'm a spy?" He repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"She questioned be about your whereabouts and the first thing that came to my head was that."

"You wouldn't have to lie to her if you would've just came to me and told me." He said.

"Look if you're here to pester about my mistakes then the door is over there because I honestly don't need to hear that. Let's talk about how you fucked me, then went home to that bitch Anya. What's up with that Jayceon?" I questioned since he wanted to get on me about something.

"Man me and Anya aren't even together like that, we use to fuck from time to time and I had a slip up. You know you're the only woman I'll ever want." He said, pulling me on his lap. I felt his boner pressing up against my middle. "You're so damn sexy when you're mad babygirl." He said, kissing on my neck.

"J-Jayceon." I moaned, throwing my head back.

We were interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket. He tapped my thigh and he got up, going in the kitchen to answer it. If I'm not mistaken the name "Baby" was flashing across his screen. I followed him to the kitchen but I hid behind the wall so he couldn't see me.

"Nah baby, I'm just chilling with my nigga Chris...I wouldn't lie to you Anya....come on babe....alright I love you to, bye." He hung up the phone and turned to face me.

"Really Jayceon, you just lied like fuck to my face man." I said, crossing my arms.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, nervously looking around.

"I heard your dumbass just lie to that hoe. You called her baby and said you said you loved her, you are fucking pathetic like for real. Get the hell out my house." I said.

"Babygirl ju-"

"Don't call me that bullshit ass name, I don't want to fucking hear it coming from your lips. You can still see your daughter but as far as me and you, that's over and done with for good. I'm not about to compete with that girl so I'm just going to say fuck it and let you go. Bye." I opened the front door and held it open for him.

"I love you." He said, walking.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, slamming the door.

I hate niggas.

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